The walls are going up around the U.S. and the watch towers expect to be completed in 2009. Read below:
"Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems & Sensors in Akron won the $40 million contract from the Missile Defense Agency to build HAA in 2003. It is essentially another blimp. A giant one. Seventeen times the size of the Goodyear dirigible. It’s designed to float 12 miles above the earth, far above planes and weather systems. It will be powered by solar energy, and will stay in a geocentric orbit for up to a year, undetectable by ground-based radar. You can’t see it from the ground. But it can see you.
“The possibilities are endless for homeland security,” says Kate Dunlap, a Lockheed Martin spokesperson. “It could house cameras, and other surveillance equipment. It would be an eye in the sky.”
According to a summary released by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, the HAA can watch over a circle of countryside 600 miles in diameter. That’s everything between Toledo and New York City. And they want to build 11. With high-res cameras, that could mean constant surveillance of every square inch of American soil."
Sure, if they zap you with lazers they can guarantee you won’t be killed by Islamic Fundamentalism, Climate Change or whatever other boogieman or boogiemen that they’re dangling around in public.
Indeed, killing you is probably the only way they can guarantee you won’t be killed by these things, so you should be grateful that your government and intelligence services are willing to take such a radical step to ensure your safety from these threats.
Yes, I’ve gone through an epiphany of sorts. I’m going to try and center myself from now on. You guys will have to do without my screaming and ranting for a while
What an insane waste of taxpayer dollars. This is just as stupid as how much money Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer spends on its “war against drugs”. However, it’s not nearly as stupid as how much money the Taxpayers spend on our “war on terror” and particularly the “war in Iraq”.
If the government wants to do something for the collective good of the people… they should have invested in the work of Nikola Tesla. Imagine wireless energy… sounds like science fiction but Tesla could have pulled it off (given money and time). His tale is a sad one though, I must admit. Come to think of it, the only thing that I can think of that the U.S. military has recently invested in is Tesla’s Death Ray… which works too (AA/AM Weapon).
What I find most bizarre about this is that the big bad terrorists are OUTSIDE the U.S. so why build such a sophisticated surveillance system to spy on a the hypothetical few terrorists who may have got through all the other surveillance measures – if, in deed, any could/would?
If the U.S. government says the existing spy satellites are sufficient to keep track of the vast majority of terrorist outside the U.S., then aren’t the existing surveillance measures also good enough to spy on a theoretical internal threat?
Why wouldn’t anyone put MORE resources on targets that are least likely to pick up terrorists? Why would anyone wire tap, intercept and spy on their own people MORE than they do on the 'evil ones"? The only countries that have ever done that have been dictatorial regimes.
When the gov’t takes away your freedoms you become safer. I think I speak for all of us when I say that danger of overt and total control by the gov’t is but a phantasy fear with no historical basis for accuracy.