Big brother is shouting at you … ge_id=1770


liquidangel: … ge_id=1770

K: and the future marches on for those who
want security over freedom.


Sooner or later the sense of good/bad behaviour in England is going to atrophy to such a degree that people will get all their social guidelines from a bunch of cameras.

“Hey - It must be okay to do that - the lampost didn’t tell us off.”

GODTV - At last, a omniscient being that talks back.

Pack your bags - Time to leave.

Ja my dear, but where to go? Can’t go home. Or maybe that should read won’t.


Do you agree with the use of the cameras or disagree?
So, if a cop were on every corner would that be “Big Brother” monitoring?
If so, what if it were one cop on every two corners? Or one in every four corners? Or one in every ten corners?
How few corners would a cop need to monitor for “Big Brother” to cease monitoring the public?

One of the parts from the article that I found interesting was one from a lady that was shouted at by “Big Brother”. She said it was scary at first but added that due to problems in the neighborhood, that “it is very reassuring.”

:laughing: Such a predictable place for it to go!


Some people actually expect privacy in public areas… :unamused:


Man, I just wanna pee on the side of the road when I need to. Can’t do that in this country. Can’t do anything in this country. Can’t even walk on the bloody grass. AND, they mow their lawns in straight lines.



Well-reasoned, Thirst. Don’t know how to argue with your points. But I guess I’ll find out.


Hang on folks… from here it gets bumpy.

Would you do it if people were staring?
Would you do it if police officers were there?
Why or why not?

Urinating on the street is both sanitary and good for the quality of living in an area.

Faust, I’m sure you could if you tried.


Yeah, soon all those poor criminals who get away with crime will have a difficult time of it…

Poor criminals.


Does anyone else hate those traffic cameras that give you a ticket?
Those fucking oppressive cameras.
How dare they give me a ticket for speeding through a red light!?



Shut the fuck up. Please. We all know your position, as it hasn’t changed since about the mid eighties. Obviously this request will likely result in more but we don’t need post after post of your useless bullshit.

You can take the girl out of Africa but you can’t take Africa out of the girl.

And no, I wouldn’t do it if people were staring, that’s the problem.

I once almost got arrested for peeing in a park. I was desperate, there was nothing else I could do, and then a bobby popped out of the bushes. And there I was with my trousers round my ankles at 5am. How rude! Damnit!


No, poor English. How neotenic they will remain, coccooned in lampost love. No more “here be dragons” on the mental map.

I have this image of neophytic waifs in flimsy clothes waving their ravishing butts at passing scoundrels in the bad parts of town late at night chanting:

“Nyah-nyah - You can’t fucking touch me…!”

But that probably has no bearing upon the thread.

Fuck you! Chum.
Do you see how adding a nice word before a cruel one doesn’t change the intent much?
OK, I can’t be that mean. I don’t really mean to insult you. Just a demonstration.


Everyone knows your position too and it hasn’t changed either since you decided to spread your lies and propaganda. So do I ask you to shut yer trap? No. Does it matter that post after post of yours is drivel? No. So get off your high horse.


Yes, but if kids playing games in the park fell into your pee spot I would imagine they’d have a rude awakening of sorts…


There is a difference. I don’t mind humoring you.

This is LA’s thread.

Oh brave Knight, I think LA can defend herself…
I’ve seen it a few hundred times.
In fact, you were the first one to become a jerk in this thread.
Now, apologize to LA.

As for humoring me, it’s a two way street, old buddy old pal, old gobbo.


Tab - perhaps it has nothing to do with the topic. But I wish to thank you for posting it, anyway. Never any harm combining “waifs”, “flimsy clothes”, and “butts” in the same sentence.