Big brother is shouting at you

Kids playing games in the park? What country are you living in dude? NO-ONE is allowed on the grass much less in the bushes.



Pluto’s swinging around, the effects are increasing. Thank the heavens I won’t have to deal with your ignorance for much longer.

I think Bessy is going to have an aneurism.


You know, I’ve noticed a trend…
Socialists tend to be anti-social.

Being ignorant may be better than being a liar.

I can’t believe you won’t apologize.


That’s a bit unfair isn’t it?


Nice going guys. Let us all remain within the guidelines please? No insults, no ad hominems.

Thirst, I agree with you. I really hate that, but I agree with you. :laughing: We all want our freedom, but we’re the first to scream where is a cop when you need one? We don’t want anyone to infringe on our freedoms as long as everyone else is controlled. :unamused: Remember, don’t you dare bitch when that jerk blows through that stop light and T bones you. :laughing:



I thought you’d be bigger than that… considering your past complaints.


Tent, just act man. Gobbo told me to shut the fuck up and I told him what I thought about that… this is a clear violation. Why not delete our posts?

Seriously. I mean, the whole problem here at ILP is that we tolerate this nonsense. That emotional kid launched out his misplaced anger and frustration and we let him get away with it… and then to make things worse, you let me, another child, strike back?

If you like, we can take this to PM.



No one buys your act.

No one cares that I swore at you because it’s you – the self proclaimed asshole who feigns appeal to the rules and whatnot.

Hi thirst,

Somehow I thought that a reminder of the guidelines would be enough. You and gobbo weren’t the only ones taking shots. I would prefer that evryone take a deep breath and try to discuss the content of the OP. If not, I can take it further.

It’s up to you folks.

Sorry… he… brings it out in me.

I am an asshole, but nine out of ten times I am an asshole within the rules.
I am not a part of polite society. I refuse to be.
But neither do I typically call people names until they take it in that direction.

As for the rule-bending… we all do it, and we do it because we can get away with it. We can get away with it because Tentative lets us. So, if he is going to warn us, he might as well delete it and take action. Actually, I would say that his failure to act actually tells people that it is ok to do it. That’s why cops rarely ever let you get off with a warning… because if they don’t give you a ticket, there’s no chance in hell you will even think about slowing down.

And for the record, I don’t buy your act either, you pseudo-intellectual.


Sorry… didn’t see that post until now.


:laughing: Is anyone interested in discussing the content of the OP?

It’s not an act. From the perspective platform you’re standing on – I am a psuedo-intellectual. That is, in the sense that I diverge from standard academia format for thought and such.

I will freely admit this.

Although in my defense I do nothing but read, all day, every day. So… take it as you will.

Moving on, let’s talk about the OP/intent of this thread.

I think the main debate has been over something close ‘Well these are just like police officers, just different. Nothing wrong with police officers…’

Well let’s think about this for a sec because insofar as I know these operators are not police officers. You can ask for a police officer’s badge, there are checks and balances. This is quite a different situation I think. I mean… there is no communication (you know what I mean), it’s completely 1 way. Sure we don’t hear about the negatives now… but what about when people start abusing these things as they surely will. If you can’t think of how that’s possible then… you have a poor imagination.

It’s the one sided nature that disturbs me, but even moreso it’s the road we’re going down. First it was cameras, now speakers. Then… the chips.

When will you stand up and say ‘ok… that’s far enough?’. Like… fuck, these arn’t just camera and speakers… we’re talking about consciousness itself being altered. Feelings of being watched affect you – eventually we become the thoughts we surround ourself by.

Seriously… I think the pertenant question here is ‘Where do you draw the line?’ If you’re ok with having some rando shout at you… then where -do- things get uncomfortable? Or do they even?

From the article’s opening paragraph:

Big Brother is not only watching you - now he’s barking orders too. Britain’s first ‘talking’ CCTV cameras have arrived, publicly berating bad behaviour and shaming offenders into acting more responsibly

I can tell that this paper upholds the highest standards of journalism. They seem to report the stories instead of offering opinion. I like the use of the words “barking orders” because it isn’t leading the readers to lean in any one direction. Also, when we put it into context of what the operators of these speaking devices we can clearly see why “barking” is appropriate:

Mr Bonner said: 'We always make the requests polite, and if the offender obeys, the operator adds ‘thank you’. We think that’s a nice finishing touch

Sounds like barking to me… I can feel the oppression all the way here in the U.S.


I’m sorry but I fail to see what arguing the semantics of the article’s title really has to do with anything…

Please try and stick to the point.

From the article with high journalistic standards:
The control room operators have been given strict guidelines about what commands they can give.

The scheme has been introduced by Middlesbrough mayor Ray Mallon, a former police superintendent…

I like that word scheme. Becaus scheme has no negative connotations that I can think of and that no journalist in the world can think of; therefore, no one should think negatively about the schemers of this scheme.

Traffic cameras only take pictures and then they mail you a ticket… good luck arguing against that citation.

Sure, there are many ways to abuse these things… just like some police officers can be criminals too. I don’t think anyone will suggest that we should remove police officers and give up on the whole police officers thing…

I’m with you on that… nothing on earth will ever make me wear a chip.
Stil, I doubt that it must go that route.

Shouting? Barking? Hyperbole?


I think the attitude towards these things is part and parcel to the overall point…
