Big Deal

Its not that I ignore you, as in purposely making sure I don’t respond to you. Usually I either agree, or disagree with details not worth bothering about.

No biggie. I’m sort of like Dr. Phil. “After the break, we are going to cure Herman of his life-long obsession with ejaculating into milk jugs and hiding them under his bed.”

Give me five minutes and a shitload of money and I can make people THINK I’ve helped them anyway.

LOL!!!!!! …wow, that milk thing was kinda scary… :astonished:
anyways, 4 u not to worry (if u ever did…lol) for you not to cyber-worry…
I’m better now, I’m having some lucky strikes.:stuck_out_tongue:
I’m still kinda F$&% by my problem, cause it hasn’t been solver yet, but I have more support now, cause I did something daring, that I didn’t think I could do, and that helped me a lot…it changed things for the better! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool. I’m glad you feel all betterfied.