Big Question

Why are there so many who post in philosophy forums who have read little or no philosophy?

Why does it matter?

I would rather read a complete philosophy newb talk about philosophy, than some I-read-nietzsche-now-my-opinion-matters philosopher.

Because reading is hard and it takes up our MySpace browsin’ time.

Right on!!!

because they have the same questions…




Most that post here are college students or young people.




Those that aren’t forced to be interested or distracted by the pursuit of money, success, or academics will prove to be the philosophers.

I agree!!!



Follow the portents.

to know philosophy you must teach ones self, people who study philosophy in a manner of intrest and educational only know about philosophy.

Reading it in a school atmosphere isn’t the same as engaging in it. I’ve done both. The more I read and the more I talk, the more I find that I don’t know YET, but hope to come to an understanding of later. Philosophy isn’t just “something cool to talk about”. It’s a lifelong process of understanding. That’s what I’m loving about it. :slight_smile:

as a fellow ilper that knows little to nothing about philosophy, i well answer your question.

1)i find philosophy books boring, and inane, it could be that they are poorly written or that i have not been exposed to the right ones.
2)i think of philosophy as the study of the out look of life (or something like that), its about so many things that one could never read enough books to get all of what has been said before.
3)every time i get talking about philosophy with friends they ask me a question, i answer, they say,“so you think like…” i say who the fuck is that, they tell me, it means nothing.

the point, i seem to have a handle of philosophy without knowing what every idiot has said on the subject, most people have a handle on philosophy without knowing what every idiot has said on the subject. we may not be able to quote some fool from xxxx years ago so that we can sound educated, but we can make points that, unlike you, we have thought of on our own. :smiley:

The problem with that, Glider, is that you cannot be sure that what you are doing is actually philosophy, or maybe something you have invented for yourself.

Philosophy begins with a question…a muse…wonderment…not in a library filled with dead writers, though it may end there.



Every “well-know” “Philosopher” began, and most likely ended, life with shit in their pants.

Hear, hear H!

Oh, and I will follow the portents. :laughing:



That portends well for your future.

Many times someone has read some of a philosopher’s work but it seeking to understand it further.

Who here picked up Hegel and got through it without any sort of peripheral help, academic or otherwise? Exactly.

I have, OG.

Sometimes I find interesting analyses at ILP or at other other philosophy discussion boards. For the most part, I’ll usually IM a member who seems to have a pretty good grasp on what a particular philosopher meant in one of his works. :slight_smile:

There’s my answer … only he said it first, and likely better, so I’ll just shut up and agree by saying,

“Yeah, what He said!!!”

And still the magnificent bastard is never at a loss for truthful words … LMAO.

Brilliant, utterly brilliant perspective.