Bigotry and inequality.




Let Faust speech his fill, he’s not that distracting and has a need for expression. The negative reinforcement is what feeds the motivation in the first place. The topics he choose likely isn’t coincidental, even if he thinks it is. Stick around. I encourage you to visit all the threads I participate in.

Ahar, do you mean the ex mod Faust or Faustus the guy dragged off to hell for trying to avoid his fate?

I encourage everyone not to participate in any threads I participate in because I am retarded, stroll on my friends.


No. I’m not Faust.

I’m Bill Wiltrack. I’m real.

I don’t make-up phoney names to hide behind.

When I speak - I speak.

Now all of you…go back and hide in the shadows, under the rocks, you hide beneath.

I’m ashamed even to be on a board with you. One day, my shame will overcome my need to express myself on a forum such as this.

Now and in the future do not ever make the mistake of putting yourself above me…[/size]


Too late.

Bill, is a scholar and a gentleman and I do tent to write too much drivel.

Contra-Nietzsche, I’ve only had time to read that paragraph so far, I still have much to learn from you. I looked up Masochistic, I don’t see why anyone would think I have Masochistic tendencies, but they would know.

I’m not one to discuss political parties or persuasions very often, so forgive me if I avoid commenting on those parts.

He still would be a bigot unless he, perhaps without the slave “owners’” knowledge, preached that the slave “owners” were going to hell.

Saints? And I was worrying about my failure to define terms.

I don’t know who Fredrick Douglas is and I don’t give a fuck what he would think. In my opinion one shouldn’t look backwards and diminish some of the negativity of racism because it wasn’t always considered wrong by as many, one should look forwards to what kind of shit a more advanced world wouldn’t tolerate. A good guess would be that on average significantly over weight people are subject to as much shit as minorities used to be on average in the 60s and 70s, except they have to hear people talking about the new tolerant world we live in (to a far lesser extent that’s reminiscent of your example of slaves being lectured by some shit about stealing). I know I seemed to be negating my own argument in the Op there, but I’m not making the primary issue that of over weight people’s problems; my primary issue is quality of life, one aspect being intolerance, and one aspect of that being the problems of over weight people.

“Once more”, are you implying that we used to do all that?

Have you tried that exercise? Maybe on the internet or in the South it goes some where, but in California I’ve confronted different racists who direct their racism at all types of people, including those who direct it at me, it never goes anywhere.

That’s key to my argument, if we aren’t going to have the micro approach of the individual, lets have the macro approach at ensuring everyone’s future. To repeat an idea in my post, our primary focus should be on the problems them self which all come down to a lack of quality of life, then our secondary concern can be our approach to the problem. So racism is something an advanced society should strive to diminish, but racism doesn’t necessarily imply a low quality of life for those the racism is directed at (of course it often does and it always at least hurts their quality). So racism should be the secondary issue, the primary issue, is poverty, lack of opportunities etc.

The primary issue can even the simple fact that people don’t like getting disrespected in the streets. Of course, disrespect in the street through racism is common and was much more so in the early 60s. We made great progress towards diminishing that. If someone calls someone a foul derogatory term, and this fact gets back to their employer, they can be fired, but its not the case for over weight people. I’ve know seriously over weight people subject to the worst of verbal abuse in a person’s actual work place, likely with the manager actually in hearing distance.

(Yes, I’m aware that racism goes on in work places as well without any consequences for the racists, it happened to me many times. What’s the litmus test to determine which type of abuse is more tolerated? Don’t actually do this, but you could think of a “lesser” derogatory word and go to a random forum and use it many times. Then you could take the worst of the derogatory terms for over weight people and use them many times in an actual weight loss forum. Then you would see which gets the worst reception.)

If our focus was disrespect from the beginning rather than just one form of disrespect we wouldn’t be approaching the golden age as far as racial relations between certain racial groups go and still be in the dark ages between other racial groups and other forms of intolerance.

I thought I would bring this back to the top of the list. I’ve made arguments such as these in the past and the limited responce I got here is actually the most by far, being that I never got any responce to my previous threads with similar arguments. So obviously something about the topic, my argument it self, or the way I express it makes people be disinclined to engage in it. I sincerely don’t have any idea what the case is though, so if no one wishes to engage in the argument would someone explain to me why they don’t wish to? Perhaps my argument is glaringly false, or glaringly obvious, or just incomprehensible. Maybe it’s a subject that has already been discussed to nausea. If someone could even just browse through my OP argument or the post above and either say “I agree”, “I disagree” or even “fuck you”, that would be great.

Can you give us a specific example? (because I’m thinking here some kind of reverse discrimination).

Well, I question the use of the phrase “reverse discrimination”, but I know what you mean, and so yes that is exactly one of the issues I’m bothered with. I also gave an example in my second to last post. I could give countless more examples, but they would seem arbitrary, I would rather just continue to have others give examples to see if they understand what I mean.

what if it’s more important to them to make gains in society than it is to help others? You have to look out for #1

Well as I’ve been saying on this website all along, people who don’t look after #1 don’t do well. I wasn’t being entirely accurate using the words “wrong” and “moral high ground” being that I’m a moral subjectivist, but if anything was objectively wrong it would include only concerning yourself with yourself. I’m a little surprised at the question, likely you didn’t know that I’m a moral subjectivist, but still one of the issues at stake here is the hypermorality imposed on others by many group equality advocates, you can’t live in western society and not know that. I say if one is going to be hypermoral instead of going with the time tested technique of doing whatever the fuck you want, then at least be hypermoral in the “right” way.