hate is better than apathy…
It’s not that I didn’t want to mention it. I just didn’t want to be the first.
hate is better than apathy…
It’s not that I didn’t want to mention it. I just didn’t want to be the first.
The poem is about the expression of thought through words.
Please explain why you hate poets.
He doesn’t hate poets any more than he hates himself.
Gamer, I’m sorry. I made things all weird. Why do I do shit like that?!
When have I complained about things getting weird? Isn’t that my M.O.? Making things weird. It’s all fair game. It’s what K’s poem is about! anyway, you’re simply eager to show how perceptive you are, and like all women who’ve glimpsed the truth, you’ve taken a perverted interest in me. Detrop is only good at one thing. That one thing is not demonstrated in his post above.
Things have changed a bit for me. Spinoza has taught me that hate is an inadequate idea, a failing to have an understanding of the determination of events in effect, and therefore an incomplete intellection.
It is not my place to hate anything, insofar as that thing does not inflict a pain upon me, in which case I would aspire to avoid it, and in this transition I shall come to no longer maintain that hate, but rather understand it as determined, and an opportunity to better myself by enduring to overcome it.
I neither find your poetry good or bad, and neither love or hate it, but only seek to understand it.
(Was that Spinozean or what?! I think I am now a disciple of Spinoza.)
Congratulations to Detrop! (Condolences to Spinoza.)
“Trying to understand art is like trying to understand the song of a bird.”
-Pablo Picasso
What do you think of good old Pabbie? Is he right? Can art be understood? Or is it all interpetations? Perhaps, what Pabbie said does not extend to poetry. Then again, perhaps poetry is precisly that art form which may be understood? I don’t know – you tell me.
– Gamer
Weylp. You’re right about one thing. Making things weird.
Lies. Lies. Damned lies. Was it not YOU who sent that suggestive picture to my mailbox? Was it not YOU who made me that mix tape of James Taylor, Sting and (gag what were you thinking) Annie Lennox’s cloying version of Whiter Shade of Pale? Was it not you who donated $600 to the March of Dimes in my name? Don’t answer. Anyway, ask me how I’m feeling about all this.
Funny. It gives me crazy deja veux (you’ve said that before, right!!! I’m searching ILP for Annie Lennox or it’ll drive me nuts…)… but… it’s funny. [ edit: I found nothing. Oh well. I get deja veux all the time. ]
How are you feeling about all this?
Why do you ask?
Oh. That was part of the funny stuff. Nevermind.
Joke goes like this.
G: Ask me how I feel.
SNN: How do you feel?
G: Why do you ask?
Ha ha and so on.
I have one more joke. My wee son asks “why” one too many times…
WS: Why?
G: and Zee!
This is so not about Birthing My Words. Hey I broke 900.
I asked because I thought your request in bold was serious, and not part of the silliness. I didn’t recognize “all this” meant the silliness.
If your request was serious, and if “all this” meant what I originally thought it meant (not the silliness) – how do you feel?
Why do I care how you feel?
That sort of ‘why’ gives me the bigeebers.
The answer is /not/ that I have taken a “perverted” interest in you, however. Darn you!
Let’s all sing and sway…“Feelings… blablabla feelings!!!” <oh, I don’t know that one> I’m not mocking you. Just feeling… really weird.
Art, as far as “understanding” is concerned, is a synthesis of the intentions of the artist and the observation of the viewer/listener. One can never quite reach an objective rendezvous with the other regarding the nature of the read art, the heard art, and the dramatic art. The graphic art, however, provides a cleaner understanding- a picture of a landscape is a picture of a landscape. A poem, song, or drama is something slightly different. With each of these a unique interpretation can be made by the spectator- words can invoke several meanings, sounds can invoke several emotions, and acting as well. Still, there is always an understanding, only not necessarily what is intended by the artist in its presentation.
I meant this whole thread by “all this.” But it was just to set up my stupid joke that could have been written by Abbott and Costello when my father was still in short pants. What did you mean by “all this?” I know, you meant the…subtext of our…dance. You are one naughty, raunchy little horndog. It’s prose, my dear. Not a big, black dildo. Learn the difference.
Perhaps I am way, way off base. (About the dildo being black.)
the weirdness I created when I translated
Fuck you.
I’m a horndog??? Watch it, or I’ll make you eat your words.
Teach me the difference, asshole.
Screw this.
Please don’t use my poem in this forum to rant on your perverted desires or confusion. Thanks.
You know what, Kristalyn, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Neither does Gamer. As for me, well… you don’t have to worry about me, I’m gone.
Still love your poem, btw.
Kristalyn, this little “ranting” has brought record numbers to a Kristalyn thread. 39 posts as of this post? People will wonder…“hmm, that Kristalyn must have said something highly provocative to spark all that attention/commentary.” It’s wonderful PR for the Kristalyn brand. And the interplay with SNN and myself needed a forum eventually. We had to work through a few things. I only haze those I truly like. Some may recall the thing with Dunamis, whom I revere. I also played a vicious trick on Xander.
I liked your poem in how it described how we never can really free the essence of our ideas or ourselves. We all have different ways of trying though. I think this thread has been very literary. Full of confusion and hopelessness. Who are you to complain?