Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women


[size=134]Blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women[/size]
I am a blue-eyed man and have always had a strong preference for blue-eyed women.

Until I stumbled upon this study today, I had always felt a little bit guilty about that; probably something to do with the whole ’ WWII Nazi Aryan Race ’ thing; its associated negativity and a fear that somehow my preference was influenced by that ideology. But now I feel a lot better about it, as it appears that I’m not alone, and it’s probably a genetic thing.


Don’t genes from grandparents also have some impact on traits?

Sorry, I’m not a geneticist. But I can tell you that that I have at least two brown-eyed grandparents ( one on each side of the family tree ) and one of my parents has green-eyes, the other blue. Also, I have a couple of siblings, but I am the only one with blue-eyes.

I’ve never actually felt very close to any of my non-blue-eyed family.

I once shagged a woman for a few months who had one eye that was half-green. . . It felt dirty.


Blue eyes are double recessive, so the only sure why to have blue eyed offspring is to have two blue eyed parents.

B- brown allele
L- Blue allele


However, two brown eyed parents with genotype BL phenotype Brown can produce blue eyed offspring 25% of the time.

Ofspring:…L…L ==Blue eyes.

Only insofar as the same genes are found in your parents. Using grandparents to predict genetics is useful for probability, but ultimately it’s all dependent on what genes your parents carry.

I <3 asians… those dark dark brown eyes do a number on me…

I am fully scandinavian, and I have blue-green eyes. but I have always been more attracted to brown eyes and sometimes green eyes. But blue eyes feels like I am screwing a cousin or something. Its weird,

does that mean blind men prefer blind women?


They’re not so sure. Apparently, they’re still waiting on them returning their questionnaires.

I meant if the grandparents got busy with their kid’s spouses.



Whoa ! - that went straight under my head.

Adjective, noun, interjection or adverb ? - Please elaborate for bonus points.

Other misc facts(?) I’ve picked up about evil blue-eyed people [ Hitler had brown eyes ]

They tend to be …

… more introverted.

… less likely to ’ hold your gaze ’ during eye contact.

… more likely to remain faithful, sexually (women). - (I have no proof for this one; I only heard it on the radio once).

It’s also been linked to increased levels of depression ( whatever the fuck that is ).

[i]# " There’s nothing wrong with the world, you’re just a bit sad / not working hard enough - now buy my pills."

~ " No thanks. I’ll stick with my fish-oil . . . It’s cheaper and it doesn’t fuck with my heartrate."[/i]


blue eyes have been linked to prefering whopers to big mac, and doctor pepper to sprite.

As far as I know, their exists no link between eye color traits and any mental behavior. If their does, can you proove it.

Also blue eyed people supposedly prefer charms toilet paper to other brands… weird???

I’m very vain about my blue eyes, and I do tend to find women more attractive when they also have blue eyes. I find it hard to lose myself in a woman’s eyes when they are brown.

I prefer doctor pepper over sprite, I am introverted, I generally don’t make eye contact, I have never cheated on a mate, and I am periodically depressed. Good characterizations guys, keep up the good work.

This thread supports my yet-to-be-disproven contention that women are superior. We couldn’t care less what color a man’s eyes are, because it’s meaningless as far as maintaining a relationship. What we want to know is: does he shower regularly, can he keep a job and can he keep it in his pants when he’s out and about in the world. That’s it. Well, maybe extra credit points if he can fix a broken toilet all by himself.


Sometimes, blue-eyed people …

… can have larger pupil dilations, which gives them enhanced night vision but, as a consequence, their ability to withstand bright summer sunshine without squinting is reduced. - Think Clint Eastwood.

We prefer the shadows . . . muahahahaha :evilfun:

An increased sensitivity to something as inescapable as sunlight would most definitely shape you into a different person. The body and mind are one. A newborn brain is a blank book; our senses the ink and pens.


What was that?. . . Did somebody say something?

Yeah, it was a woman.

Oh, right . . . OK, relax everybody! . . . False alarm!

I am joking of course. . . Now . . . Skip into the kitchen and make me a cup of tea.


My avatar represents what I think is the natural rank order of hair colours. Another flag is possible which represents the same for eye colour. This would be blue-green-brown. And eye colour is more important than hair colour. A black-haired blue-eyed person is superior to a blonde-haired brown-eyed one. According to this schema, the natural order of rank is as follows:

  1. Blonde-haired blue-eyed
  2. Red-haired blue-eyed
  3. Black-haired blue-eyed
  4. Blonde-haired green-eyed
  5. Red-haired green-eyed
  6. Black-haired green-eyed
  7. Blonde-haired brown-eyed
  8. Red-haired brown-eyed
  9. Black-haired brown-eyed

Let blue-green-brown be the flag of our new Nation!

If you’re joking :slight_smile:

If you’re serious :astonished:

Blue-eyed women are hot.

