Bonneh's Illusion (a brain test)

Apparently we all have different “brain switching speeds” this meaning the switching between our left and right hemispheres:

I am still having trouble understanding what is meant by “switching speed”. My result is that I could NEVER get the third dot to disappear! What the heck does that mean (it’s not listed as an option)? If anyone can explain it to me, I’d appreciate it.

Feel free to post your own results, too.

I didn’t get a result, because I don’t have any friends. But I think you read it wrong. You’re supposed to count when all three dots are visible together, regardless of which ones disappear.

Ah thanks!

It is hard to take the test alone. My method: bring up the computer clock for the time and use the calculator to click a button every time the dots all re-appear (then count how many numbers you have when done).

I got around 6 which is average.

8, w00t! :slight_smile:

Thats an interesting test. Have any others like it?

Sorry, I know of no other test that so tangibly illustrates a characterteristic of the human brain. It’s definitely cool!

Ah well. Very nifty, though. ^^ If you find more, please post them! ^^