I think its mick or hellspawn just trying to regain their sense of self worth after being pulverised in debate by those people with better knowledge and understanding of the subject matter being discussed.
If it was, then that’s pretty sad.
Go easy on yourselves, everyone.
I moved this thread toi MB because it doesnt really have any content to do with Religion. Also, his identity isnt really the issue, he’s a troll and is no longer welcome here.
I know booboo Jones personally. He is not me. But he tried for the first time to communicate in the religious forum in the only way he knew how. He is used to chats with their sound bites and rapid responses, often not well thought out. The welcome he got here was not constructive criticism in any advice of what he was doing wrong, it was such responses as “Fuck this thread”, etc. If a tyro at debate must confront such immediate hostility, without being told what he has done wrong, he can never mature into the reasonable argumentations that do not encompass ad hominem. Of course, no one here wants to take the time to raise a newcomer up to standards, which many here do not observe anyway. I’ve seen worse threads than his and more “fortune cookie” posts. Is this an elitist club or what? I am, at least gratified to see that his situation is up for open discussion and not closed out by thought police.
Do moderators not respond to this forum?
nope thats why its mundane babble
but with my luck IMP will be the next one to respond
Holy piss.
I haven’t had the time to read all of Boo’s posts, but I have dealt with the moderators here for quite a while now and have respect for their opinions. For HVD to say “fuck this thread” he had to have really had enough infantile behavior from boo to choke a cow. We are here to moderate adults - not small children or crazy people who are trolling for sport. You would have to see the other side of moderation to appreciate what we do - but as much as it is an honorable thought for moderators to spend an inordinate amount of their free time teaching manners - fahgetaboutit. Have manners here or leave.
His loss not ours.
I do appreciate your opinion in this matter. I realize the extreme burden moderators must have in evaluatiing posts along a line that extends from policing thoughts that are objectionable to allowing anything goes. Maybe there should be a bootcamp for newbies which allows them to take critique from others until they are able to expound reasonable ideas. I don’t know; but I have gotten posts to well researched threads that have been every bit as stupid as booboo’s attempts at first communication here.
“Fuck this thread”, which has also been posted in response to my thread in the religious forum, is not indicative of good debate. Ad hominem is always from a dearth of ideas. Elitism, among those who are accustomed to posting here, is not indicative of good debate. Somewhere, there must exist a golden mean.
All too often, new members fail to read the posting guidelines and simply jump into shark infested waters, with the predictable results. The fact that you see posts that seem questionable is in part due to the differences in age, education, drug intake, and all the variables you see in real life. It would be wonderful if moderators had a black and white litmus test to work from, but like real life, we have to make judgement calls. If that weren’t enough, most of the moderators are human, (exceptions noted ) subject to all the frailties of being human. We try to do our best, and in the main, we intrude as little as possible.
As Bessy suggested, newcomers need to step lightly until they have a sense of how the website operates. We are probably the least moderated of all philosophy websites, but we try to maintain enough civility that the majority of the members can function in relative freedom.
Kind of like me, huh tent?
Bessy quickly goes to archived posts to do massive deletion
Oh, you’re ok - for a girl.
I, my dear, am a WOMAN.
True. I’ve seen the pics…
well… this is true.
No more talking about pics. It’s not fair to the boys…
As long as it is fair to the men.
unfair, I’m not a boy. I am 26 . . . I haven’t trick or treated in about 7 years, I think I am a man by now.
I’m twice your age and I trick or treated with the grandkids last year… I kept asking for kisses from the ladies, but the best I could do was a lousy Tootsie Pop. But I’ll be back out there this year. You never know…
the truth is, I miss trick or treating. I think I’ll take my dog or borrow one of my friends kids and see if I can take 50% of the candy. (Yeah, I am so bad, but I love sugar)
Or I’ll just go … as the old dude! When they ask me, “arn’t you a little old to trick or treat?” I’ll just tell them, “No, I am dressed up as the old gye, and age is relative.”