
I am thinking about taking a trip to Brazil going down the Amazon river and rainforest in a couple of years.

Has anybody here been to Brazil or through the Amazon rainforest?

Is it expensive in Brazil?

I am fabiano, I take care of my body. Americans are fat and lazy, we brazilians take care of our bodies. Why you do this? I’ve got condoms, lots. I like to ride bike. I do not do drugs, do not do this weed.

Some lines my foreign exchange student used to use before we kicked him out for mary jane, his bad attitude, and his hatred for so called square familes.

That’s all I know. They take care of their bodies, they drink at any age. Hope your in shape bud.

I might be going to Brazil in a couple of years. I am not going for the cities and other modernized splendors but rather I want to hang out with the indigenous tribes.

I want to get away from the world and retire amongst the Amazon river.

In all reality I want to enjoy living before this insane world self destructs.

Sounds like a good idea, … … Now i’m thinking of doing the same…

Where do you live at in South America?

:slight_smile: I am serious about coming down in about two years.

I"m taking a cruise in september.

To Brazil?

No but I’m going. I’m driving through Mexico and into South America as soon as I get my money right.

Can’t you wait for poor old little me? :cry:

If I recall you and I talked about going together. :slight_smile:

I guess I could, but you need to bring your own money obviously. We also need to plan things. Will you be driving too? How long do you want to stay? Where do you want to stay? What do you want to do there?

Two things on my agenda are 1) acquire some peyote, 2) do voluntary work for primitive communites.

We should also meet first I think. I want to make sure you are not someone I won’t like.

Oh, and the party will be awkward at three people. We will need a forth. SS and I will be kickin it in the tent at night and I can’t have you jackin off while listening in the tent next to us.

Can you bring a special someone? Do you even have one? If not, we’ll find you one.

I will have about $15,000 in a couple of years and I will probally have my own car.

Most likely.

If I can find a nice primitive community to live with, probally forever until death.

Brazil and Peru Looks good.

Retire with bare naked ladies.

One problem is that I don’t speak Spanish or Portugese.

I don’t have the slighest clue of getting around that.

( Good thing I am a fast learner. :slight_smile: )

Yeah that is probally a good idea.

Without getting citizenship, six months is the maximum amount of time we can spend down there I think.

I plan on getting lost off the grid entirely. I’ll be a ghost in the jungle.

That wouldn’t be a good idea man. If you get approached by law enforcement, and you don’t have your papers, you might be put into a chicken coup or something, where you will remain a prisoner for a small eternity.

Well I will be a ghost with my passport somewhere stuck in my pants. :slight_smile:

Besides I plan on going to the ends of the earth or completely isolated parts of the world.

Who is going to come look for me? I’m insignificant. :laughing:

A passport has limits. I’m tellin you man, if you get caught by some guy named Rodriguez walking around in the woods, he’s gonna take you in.

Well what does our potential Rodriguez do for a living? :slight_smile:

He arrests white dudes like you who loiter in his jungles.


Dark thoughts…

Well I will just have to avoid non-tribal people. :slight_smile: