Bring along a right-winger/conservative...

For anyone insterested, the two articles I posted recently in the Terry S. case were from .

Any time you’re having an argument with a right-winger who spews forth the lies of his/her conservative mind slaves, take him/her to this site and do a search on the topic being lied about. This site does a great job of exposing the TRUE media conspiracy (and guess what, the conspiracy is NOT on the left, unless by conspiracy we’re talking about not having the balls or ovaries to actually REPORT on the news… :unamused: ).

oh i see… more political spewing ?

i think i may leave now :laughing: besides there are plenty of site devoted to the hatred of americans as a (whole) there are no individuals in america anyway.

kinda glad i never seen the donations tab till now. :astonished:


Please read your posts carefully before pushing the “submit” button. They might make more sense that way. And then, read OTHERS’ posts carefully before responding.

BTW, here’s another definition/example to go with your tag line:

Irony–>your tag line is trying to insult the intelligence of “liberals,” yet it contains a typo or just plain incorrect spelling…I’ll let you find the mistake.

Irony II–> your tag line is perfect evidence for what I’ve written about conservative brain washing. In case you’re interested, before the right wingers successfully made “liberal” a bad word (and the ball-less/ovary-less Democrats let them get away with it), the definition has been, for as long as humans have had the ability to speak coherently:


  1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
  2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Wow. I sure would hate to be labeled a LIBERAL. I guess I’d rather go with the OPPOSITE: dogmatic, narrow-minded, intolerant bigot.

Artifact, please keep flying your proud cape of ignorance and blind repetition of all the right-wing crap you hear spewing from the O’Reillys and Hannitys and Coulters and Limbaughs of the world. You are really impressing the hell out of me. You’ve impressed me so much that I will likely not be able to respond to any more posts from you…

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

typical of the perfect canadian… attack grammar !

wow you guys really are all the same :stuck_out_tongue:

btw: thats as far as i’ll get with any of your posts from now on, and i will be sure to warn the others of the non-seperation of the political stench on this website. which in my opinion it should be seperated, you guys are dealing the same tripe all over the net… crap even the islamic world is not giving as much hate as you guys up there… are ya trying to start a new religion or something? thats all it really seems like amyway. :unamused:

Jealousy will get you nowhere.

grammAr… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Also, your typo/spelling is NOT a grammar mistake… :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Artifact, if nothing else, your unintentional irony is providing some good laughs…

forgive me LORD (psyque)

but which end of the screen is laughing at whom?


can post something else besides you being offended by those who spot mistakes in your posts?