Bukowski Quote

I’ve been searching and searching. There is a quote out there, I believe it’s credited to Bukowski, that goes a little something like: “If you have a thought and don’t know how to say it, it’s completely useless.”

It’s probably the second most amazing quote out there and I was wondering if anyone had heard of it in its true form.

Ha! That’s hilarious. A poet claiming the authority on how to say something.

“Hi Charles, how was your day?”

“An infinite parcel of desperate invocations revel delicately across my barren soul…”

“Ooooooookay Charles…whatever you say, man.”

if you have a thought and don’t say it, then it is completely useless…


Yeah, OK, that sounds a little better.

detrop, I just like the fact that he understands that it doesn’t matter how much you think about something, it only matters how much you actually say it.