
so i just finished reading harry g. frankfurts coffee table book entitled “on bullshit” and have to say i was pretty blown away. its amazing that “Bullshit” hasnt been discussed more often by philosophers, it plays a large role in all of our lives, yet is ambiguous in meaning. i guess this might be due to its name, but something this liquid seems like it could be discussed forever. i would like to think that all philosophers have mastered the art of bullshit, or at least it appears that way when i read most of it. i can attribute my highschool diploma, my college acceptance letter, my 2.8 gpa, and my clean arrest record to my ability to bullshit. what are your thoughts?..

That’s a great essay. He’s also recently published, “On Truth”. You should definitley check that out.

I own both On Bullshit and On Truth. Fun little books. I just spent a minute or two looking for sales numbers on “On Bullshit”. I read somewhere that “On Bullshit” blew all records out of the water for philosophy books. Nobody buys philosophy books, but they buy this one because it’s cute and has an intriguing title. I’ll admit, it immediately captured my eye. just like that fucking shitty excuse for a book “The Secret”. TALK ABOUT BULLSHIT! I would happily write a book that is 100% bullshit like “The Secret” if I could make millions from it.

Generally, I think people take themselves too seriously and don’t realize the massive amount of bullshit that we not only take in from others but dish out ourselves everyday! :sunglasses:

Christianity’s a floater.

The concept of God is a floater!
And reincarnation is spinning it’s way down the toilet!

Shit is the eventuality
Of a reduced natural intake
Stripped of value
And then discharged.

Human media is the same…
Somewhere between a pile of shit, and an anglers horn, for they wanteth new flesh – to full their self-fabricated empty holes.

I found On Bullshit quite interesting. I have been wanting to read On Truth as well but I haven’t gotten around to it.

If Bullshit or lying is something you enjoy (studying and understand it, I mean :wink: ) then you may want to take a look at what Thomas Aquinas says about it. I know he’s not your modern philosopher but it is still quite interesting to read. I recently wrote an essay on it and I found quite a few similarities with Frankfurt. Here’s a link http://www.newadvent.org/summa/3110.htm