Bush Saved 10 Million Lives

I remember when this was first covered by the news…it was more of a foot note than a cover story…much like this one.

cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/15/ … index.html

Perhaps history will look more favorably on Bush than the popular opinion polls would have you believe.

Tax payers did all the work…

Yeah right…like taxpayers would agree to giving up part of their pay to help people in Africa…

Like taxpayers have much say in ANY decision made by the government on how we spend our money.

We didn’t choose, but we did the work. rest assured…

Well, you guys did. i live in Canada…

If that’s what you meant by “all the work,” then I’d agree. :obscene-drinkingcheers:

All bush did was ask congress to commit 15 billion tax dollars…
a magic healing dance!

First line of the article: Editor’s note: Bill Frist, a physician, is [size=150]former Republican majority leader[/size] of the U.S. Senate and a professor of medicine and business at Vanderbilt University.

Just keeping things in perspective.

This article failed to mention that he spread Freedom and Democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq, nor his leadership of the economic soar of 2002-2007, among other good deeds. I’m unimpressed.

Oh yeah, I remember him. He’s the Dr. Politician who diagnosed Terri Schiavo via a video as mentally intact, at the point when her brain happened to resemble a container of chicken noodle soup. I see he’s diagnosed the success of the Bush administration in the same incisive manner. :laughing:

Regardless of whatever else Bush may have done, I doubt he had alterior motives when he (or his administration) channeled money to people with aids…just to put things into perspective.

Sadly, events of the last 8 years have made me so cynical as to attribute alterior motives to everything he did. Just to keep things in perspective.

Actually, even that’s a mixed bag. Yes, under Bush there have been many lives saved by increasing funding for aids drugs. But because the funding isn’t directed toward prevention when it comes to agencies that provide condoms and educate people on their correct use, the new infection rate hasn’t been effectively curtailed. And if you look more broadly at his legacy in terms of science and medicine, it’s been nearly as horrific as what’s been done to the legislative and judicial functions of our democracy. I heard on the news that one of Obama’s first actions will be, FINALLY, to end the stem cell research ban. I think that will be a great move, both practically and symbolically.

I find this frantic maneuvering to spin a Bush legacy in the last few months quite amusing. Or I would if it were possible to laugh at anything politically over the last 8 years. So now…from an abomination to an Obama-nation. I do hope it’s not too late.

We are politically polarized in this country. It is a mistake to view the other side as all evil as it is to view ourselves as all good. I have heard from several sources that GW Bush is popular in Africa because of the US aid they have received. Although his environmental record is poor overall he did some good on the environmental front by protecting a large area of the Pacific Ocean from commercial fishing. He made huge blunders, but neither he nor his record is uniformly bad.

You’re correct, felix. It’s just that he’s so close to uniformly bad.

While the stemcell ban was a moral outrage and visually bad theres convincing arguements that it led to huge amounts of private funding/competition otherwise unlikely. 3 billion in California etc.


i head clintons foundation for aids does more…

if youre an american, you should get up every day and say “thank you george bush, for keeping me and my loved ones safe”; because you know that if there had been another terrorist attack, he would have gotten all the blame for it-- therefore, the fact that there have been no additional attacks after 9/11 means that he at the very least deserves some of the credit…

It seems we miss the antics of Bush… you know him hitting his head on something or pronouncing nuclear nucular or acting like a cartoon. As well as being pretty inept at foreign policy. Unfortunately though, we still help others instead of helping ourselves… the public has been screaming to stop this for decades but nobody listens. While a good moral move on the whole, a bad move as a president. The american people need and needed all the money we work for to help ourselves before we get worse… and maybe one day in the future America will not be a better place than Africa… Maybe.
