Cable and Televisions

My only problem with Verizon is that they suck in every conceivable way. Other than that, I’m fine with them.

I know people who swear by them while others swear at them.

Like many large companies…their vice is the complication of their billing system.

It seems that it all boils down to making a profit. Although they provide a service we couldn’t possibly provide for ourselves or as cheaply.

Exactly the problem I had with Verizon. The fact that they shut off land-line service at a place where the cell didn’t get reception when my wife was pregnant for a bill that wasn’t actually late didn’t positively influence my opinion of them.

I had a current (otherwise 100% paid) bill that was due on such-and-such a Wednesday that I paid by phone on such-and-such a Tuesday. Wednesday at noon my phone was shut off because (their excuse) it takes forty-eight hours to process the payment and my payment is actually late as of 12:00p.m. on the due date.

After assuring me that my service would be restored in no greater than forty-eight hours; they finally got it back on the following Tuesday.