Another article mentions that they are positive that at least one of the fires was arson. And the question is also posed as to how all of these fires just so happened to break out at the same time.
Arson yes, But, I lean more towards homegrown idiot terrorists.
If it was a religious group or political group they would be bragging all over the net by now. My guess is it was the type of people that go into schools and blow their classmates away. That sort of mindset.
Oh come on they would be burning their own homes. Have you seen the areas being burned? Only the upper classes can afford to live in foothills and be surrounded by wilderness in Cali. The poor and lower middle classes are in the cities not really out in the country. So Zionist attack should be way off the mark. No one of any such intelligence as has been credited to Zionist would torch their own nor their possible compatriots… Nor would they attack the wealthy. It makes no sense.
Actually, when I saw the Alabama map in one of those links I pictured you sipping a piña colada
About the guy who got shot, I read they arent sure if he was an arsonist or not.
Hufschmid hypothezises that Zs could have started the fires to create chaos (albeit at a minor scale), burn down some peoples homes, kill off some opponents, reap monetary benefits, but his claims are not substantiated.
So three well-to-do, suburbanite kids become fanaticized by their own heritage, so what? Happens all the time. It may have been a Zionist-related agenda, that doesn’t mean it went all the way up the ladder into the Jewish community or even direct Israeli interests. It’s probably just like the Miami bombers, a bunch of wannabes.
Teenagers are always looking for something to be fanatical about. Sometimes it’s football, sometimes it’s marijuana, sometimes it’s political change. Every now and then, a kid will discover the depth of his or her heritage or religious background and use it as a vehicle for his or her passions.
And when you’re a well-to-do, gentile, secular mutt with no heritage to speak of, you just buy a bunch of guns and shoot up your school for no reason.
It’s what’s happening with fundamentalist Islam in the Middle East and Europe, kids are looking for ways out of a monotonous and usually poverty-stricken existence, and looking for reasons to vent their frustration and aggression. So Islamic leaders see this and use these kids’ malleable minds for their own agenda.
You know, the housing market has been pretty shitty in California these last few years. I have another idea of who would’ve wanted all those houses burned down.