Calling all poets...

I’m currently trying to get another poetry contest started here on ILP. I’ve been in contact with siatd, and he will not be avalible for a few weeks or so. So, I want to find out if anyone is interested in another contest. Also, if anyone has an idea on a specific theme for the contest.

So, who’s interested?

I’ll jump in just so no one wins by default.

I’ll do it.

I have already won.
(esepcially if I lose)

I’ll enter.

Make the theme something other than love and/or loss

Yeah, I wasn’t planning on doing that, but do you have something you’d like to see for a theme?

i will

As will I. :slight_smile:


obituaries or tombstones


Why not make it an open theme?

If not open-theme, how 'bout: All Things October?

Thanks all, glad I’m not alone it wanting another contest.

The theme thing, I just wanted to know if there was interest in doing a certain theme or not. I really don’t have anything in particular in mind.

…any idea on a timetable for when the contest would begin and its duration?

lhw - AKA: The Straight-faced Clown AKA: M.C. Tape-Hiss

I’m not sure about a timeline for the contest, I need to talk to siatd about it. I just wanted to get interest going right now. I’ll let you know when that’s decided.

The theme should be “Time”. Its a very important topic.