Can dogs think phenominally?

Especially if the argument begins on hypothetical basis

I am Mister Hypothetical, I am Mister Real and I am Mister Imagination

and I believe I am:

…always ready to entertain new ideas and old ideas…

…always ready to pull ideas together…

They call me ED, dances with thoughts!


And I am glad to hear that, but I am afraid that the inconvenience may be to You, which may not be avoided

I don’t have any built-in sense of false comfort. Inconvenience is built into the present common paradigms and is variable dependent on the situation.

There are plenty of things that we can not avoid.

Hard work is in my blood.

Don’t be too concerned Meno.

My quasian slumbers aside I may very generally touch on the implications of aurally partitipate with all kinds of creatures, starting from the very earliest organizational life bearing organic being to through higher ones, all the way to the supposed superlatively almost precognitively collected ones of the eternally reapetable super image.

Such are incredibly based on the super duper projections, which with ultimate urhency, like the large arcana, mrnifest the most acquired need for mechanically induced brain over mind ‘stuff’'control of abd regarding the basic drives which emanate through the continuum : objectively sustained: in order to control the Fear of life and death.

This huge arc, like a half circle is what conscious manifestation is all about, while the lower half , unaware if it’s self is the part that neads to be deelt with.

The fear of lack of participation, or the knowledge of the lack of it’s content may not equal ti a regular circle, but the lower parr, the instinctual part ironically suoresses awareness relative ti the cloneness or, remoteness of it’s being.( creation)

All beings dominated by the lower part work on principles reminiscent of cosmology, the enormous density of the lower always effects the higher part, reversely, that is why the sense that etheriality of cosmic lightness: of Truth.

Nature’s irony is appearent because the lower realms of creation have a tiny fraction of awareness of the higher realms, in spite of the huge difference between them.

The ‘leak’ support a constant feed between them, and the lower tries to eat up the higher, but, it can digest a very tiny portion of the sense required to digest it. On the other hand, the higher realms need to accept the 'offering of the liwer. well realizing the Trojan horse kind of practices which are nothing but cries for help to capture it’s ‘light’ ness.

“With what I said in the last two posts, I wonder now where that leaves us with the coincidence…”

and this:

"spent time exploring things like this when looking for where meaning came from. I figured it comes from a deeper place than us and starts in the nature of that which surrounds us and that our recognition of it would be inevitable just so long as we kept evolving - in turn, only to be discarded and turned into something else, that has no need for a connection as to why we are here - bringing sadness for a while before the participating human dies.

Meaning emerges, grows old, and dies, so to speak and happiness, participation, and connection come along for the ride, ending up in the same grave."

To the above, the configuration has to bond with conflation, as every major generation- where they can be new cosmic generations of each of multiple life segments of the life of a planet from birth to death --may signify the effects or, affect that each epoch offers to reveal to it’s organic equivolant.

The superman idea eclipses the waning idea of the immaterial god, as an anthropomorphic eauuvilant, and the difference, as noteworthy may become, disappears colon a reductive process.

The minimal You are seeking is cumulative ti the sought after essential vestiges, which on a final analysis contribute toward a cosmic intelkugence, encoded and inertly suppliant for even many trillions of years until awakening. Since the awakened, or the woke, as someone suggested are built in a pyramid it reality, toward baseless virtual pyramid like structures. If the lightness of being is offered too much weight stuff from the underside to redempt, then the pyramid inverts and the base stands did a moment in time, which may come to billions of cosmic earth evolutionary cycles here in earth.

emcode_decode : this is no trifle thought, and the answer to Your idea of enjoying the meaning and the value of life directly and proportionately in varience to the rise ofto the rise and expanded beat of awareness, may go both ways, the superman, the mam god can overcome this appearent dicothomy of inverse proportionality, by realizing the most very basic geometric visualization, that the triangle needs actually work revesely, and the etheriority of placing the whole cosmos on it’s very subtle virtual apex, becomes the reason de’etre. of the ultimate goal of it’s existence.

In this view, an evolved soul can include it’s self in all phenomenal self’s , without being burdened by the gravity of it’s multiform existences.

The being of a spiritual existence became and constantly a gatekeeper to thr actual vanishing point through which all escaping the darkness for the light, must travail here and niw disregarding the wait fir the woke. It will always exist but the third eye, whatever that is, has to open.

And that is the meaning of saying that this should be written in ink that disapoears, for reading it defeats an immediate mysteriously imminent experience. One has to go through the gates of heaven and hell and traverse it to the Absolute to gain meaning out of it.

Now I will purify all around with sage.

I will not, thanks.

My interim thoughts >

Often we write in contradictory terms that can be understood if the receiver has already formed the necessary patterns. I think meaning comes from a deeper place anyway. In transferring the supra, earlier or transcending, the immediate experience moves away at a pace attached to its observer. When I write about the depths I am of course referring to that which transcends the everyday experience. I think one has to be able to feel and not just rationalize to gain access to certain and less certain things. This is what I found myself doing when I approached the impartation proffered me, Meno. I made my best attempt to allow myself to participate in the mystique, allowing myself to traverse an unknown territory.

…I would not unreservedly intrude…

In a way, it is for more than one reason that I can not cover here. The ink is in the pattern, so to speak, diluted in the net result between your prior experience and my prior experience that briefly forms a new experience for me, the observer, moving away within the channel of time - inevitably in a state of change within each moment to the next. Some knowledge is not so easily translated with words between minds. You impart at the very least a quality imperative to take our exchanges beyond what we have allowed ourselves to become accustomed to. This property I identified quite some time ago…but one does not simply, just talk about it as easily as saying look, that is an apple to which you could agree. As it is, I find myself reading over less certain things a number of times, taking in something new with each iteration.

But I do not want to remove my experience from meaning at any cost(yet, anyway)…as partially summed up in this small post: thinking about the formation of meaning a more or less creative way of expression.

Interlocutors develop a lexicon peculiar to their unique situation - often translated away from the situation to enforce lucidity.

Naturally virtual commucation is based on a zonal, formative series of signals establishing their own lexicon
The appearently saturated zones in the minimally reduced area are interchangeable with the sparsely populated areas with fewer landmarks to exact location by.

The lexicon has relatively visible parts , that can actually be understood for theh become so continuous, throat their meaning appears like a flowing film of reality, not consistent with cut off, partially differentiated, start ups, without a further course to go, a seeming dead end where one has to retrace steps and regain a foothold into a cognitive map, that at that point can only be approximated.

That is the kind of referent that a lexicon can gain through ethnocracy, the patterns can be approximated from a dog’s or a bird eye’s view, intentionally or, typically from a prior significant map.

I get You encodedecode, the two of you can be connected temporally, as if the act of signaling has instantenious decoding processes going down to the wire, anf as that process approaches it’s limit:::::::signals are constantly changing from in an instant, so the map becomes like fuzzy math, Sure we think we understand the idea of the transform calculus of dark to light, but that incredible vanished point of light betweem 2 triangle tips touching at their respective apex points of absolute containment show the geometric design at their most fallible.

The mandala, the 2 generated spheres out of the trans( formed) triangles that speak ’ volumes’ about such a possibility turned certainty by infinite reduction, is a signal , an archytype of turning the inscrutibly difficult cosmic connection , as actually demonstratable.

But? Many are invoked but few are chosen, and the choice is like a continuum between the transfirmations, noted in ancient scrolls and hand me down wisdom’s become Myths.

The myths have lost most substantiality, and remain vestiges of content, that sustain credibility never the less.

Note to You: I am far from being. Sloppy writer, and am aware of the need to correct mistakes, — just saying, and will do so by the close of today.

Don’t worry about correcting mistakes. I have tools for that when I need them to be corrected. Now for a small lighter-hearted aberration:

You see, this is one of the things that interest me. The higher accepting the offering of the lower. You would think man-gods would be able to make sense of this…

…but so far man-gods are just awful at this - man-gods are even worse than man-god’s, gods…

…however, out of the clouds, we can learn a lot from the lower forms - I believe Chinese monks did this on a number of occasions with notable success…

However, this is not what we are talking about necessarily - but I have no reason to believe that body can not be replaced with the mind…mind with spirit…etc.

My apologies for this little diversion…stay on topic encode.

Sidenote: I just got done reading another commonality between man and dog: boredom - if I look at as many things as I can a more clear picture starts to emerge - I was also thinking about top-down/bottom-up but that is neither here nor there for the moment. Non-human/human connections are illuminating no matter how many times they are considered. One theory states that for boredom to occur there must be something going on “in there” to begin with.

Does this mean, the smarter the dog the more likely it is to tear your place apart when you are not around? Maybe, because it misses you, and the excitement that comes with that.


Oh yes, from my point of view, we see the forest and the tree - not one or the other…

It took me a little while to get to a more direct answer here…

Yes, this does make a lot of sense and I can not think of a reason to rule it out - it appears to be in harmony with our recent discussions.

Given how the filters develop and the necessary segments of information exchanged between us, we can reiterate: And here is the problem with conscious discrimination - following the wrong path. Nearly like we have only one chance to get it right but this is not so true - we are given the flexibility to refine and make ourselves better as we move forward in time. For the dog though - there is the chance that once it reaches a certain stage, things can only go awry if things go awry at all - I have come across some dogs whose integrity appeared fully maintained to their dying day. Perhaps how this works with less developed conscious is the owner is providing a good home(and environment). In the case of wild dogs, they are built for that which surrounds them - no matter which way things go for them - when considered in light of the exclusion of death that is - up until the point that they pass on.

I think it is more dependant on the definition of the terms, actually.

This is as clear as Scotch Mist, or is it Indian Fog?

Oh such clarity

what it is that it is, exactly?

It’s all just wild speculation. You could say the same about an ant.

It’s like you are a postmoderninsm word processor.
It’s mostly nonesense.

Not remotely relevant.
I’m beginning the think that you trawl the Internet for clever sounding phrases and just copy/paste them you make you look smart.
It’s not working .

Dog’s do not formally think, they are reactive. The freedom from formal lexicons enable a fully engaged lived experience. On the other hand poor humans, are doomed to be mired in phenomena. Inseparably therefrom, spontaneous thoughts are phenomena. Stress on the phenomenal aspect against its total reduction to thought would be a salutary corrective of idealism, not a dog’s life. But his procedure is to isolate the factual moment, to conceive it, in Hegel’s terminology, as abstractly as idealism conceives the synthetic moment. A dog’s lived experience is not synthetic, it is natural and genuine, unburdened by ideals. Despite the preponderance of the object, the thingness of the world is also phenomenal It tempts the subjects to ascribe their own social circumstances of production to the noumena. None of this can apply to any animal without objective and formal languages. That leaves humans alone. Human’s formal langauge is the structuration of human reality from which all other creatures are free. Formal language is the substrate upon which all phenomena derive, informing each aspect of reality. One item not only is denoted, but also connoted by a comparitive range of items in our vocabularies; builds upon pre-existing pheomena adding by accretion.

Yes but how about the objective developed by the obsession of a Levi straussian pre reductive adolescent obsessive mirror, as related to the magic of the incompetable feminine aspect even evident in a so called ‘dog eat dog world’?

Any presumption otherwise would even make less sense to those who pour tons of money into advertisement.

So a human without a formal language does not phenomenally think?

Possibly. At least not in phenomenal ways.
Do you have an example of a human without language?
What do they tell you?

What about it?
Seriously what the F about that? Do tell!

Dog do not respond to adverts by buying into a lifestyle. They have no economic power.