Can God make a rock so big that he can't move it?

Can God make a rock so big that he can’t move it?

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don’t know and I’m not sure of the consequences of my answer.
0 voters

[size=150]Can God make a rock so big that he can’t move it?..[/size]

In answering YES or NO. Does this have implications on freewill vs. determinism?

What does YES mean for us and God?

What does NO mean for us and God?

Not for me, cause I see it as a linguistic thing. The object of the sentence; ‘a rock so big [God] couldn’t lift it’ seems like nonsense to me.

No. Omnipotence means one can do everything that is possible. The misunderstanding that gave rise to this question is the equation of omnipotence with infinipotence. The latter, like all notions of infinity, is ludicrous. The former would amount to absolute impotence, by the way, as there is nothing for the Almighty to exert power over.

Of those that answered NO. Do we actually have freewill or does God ultimately control everything? [Determinism]

Calvin & Augustine might answer NO. Wesley & Arminius might answer YES.

I believe we have free will, with the one limitation, I suppose, that God could have chosen to create us without it, so we have God to thank for our freedom.

I’ve been down this road before. The question is logically contradictory. I voted no.

We have some degree cognitive and volutional freedom. How much varies with the individual, circumstances, etc.

Ucci and Felix have both said that we have freedom, yet you both said NO, God cannot create something he doesn’t have control over.

Does he have ultimate control over us or does he not?

(Of those viewing that haven’t figured out where I was obviously going with this… Our freewill is the rock)

The rock question involves the issue of power. Does God have the power to limit human freedom? No doubt. But I continue to make choices and so far God has not exercised his power to stop me or put me on remote control.

  1. God can do the impossible.
  2. It is impossible for God not to be able to do anything.

However, since God can do the impossible, can’t he make a rock too heavy for him to lift because that is impossible?

Wow. A paradox.

No he does not pull the strings like a puppet master. We have free will within cretin boundaries and laws, its really very simple yet everyone here seems to want to make it difficult.

This question is a childish attempt at showing a paradox; it is not, not even close. At the most it is a nonsensical self defeting question, God cannot divide himself logically so he cannot make a rock bigger then he can lift.

Are you sure about that?

:laughing: Nice…

check out God can do anything… if you haven’t already.

Yes he can, because he can do anything.

You seem to always be saying this about every issue.

It was a colorful question designed to get at the deeper issues behind the question. I thought it would be fun. Don’t be such a sourpuss. :wink:

The impossible is by definition not do-able. Therefore, God cannot do it.

Not paradox but nonsense.

No. I base my conclusion on my experience. Science takes deterninism as an assumption for the purpose of prediction and controlling knowledege. It’s undemonstrable in a general sense. In any case neither free will or determinism are absolutely true.