I agree. I think the ability of a group–whether family, group, tribe, nation or planetary–to aid the growth/development and the actions that must be condoned for the maximal abilities of each individual (depending on the potential of their idiosyncratic style of receieving signals from the environment and outputting them into one’s response) is as successful as few the number of action-restricting rules, or laws.
This amounts to less specific forms of conformity.
Of course, one may say that without any rules man would kill itself, it would be an extinction in no time, but I am not proposing that it would be best if any and every action were permitted; if the Universe as a whole worked by no rules then we would not exist anyway. The simple fact that we are human, and able to be self-conscious/knowingness of something that is not coming currently being physically perceived, implies that a mind can predominantly be concious of the “outside”/shared stuff that we all call “the world”(and anything in it) at a given moment, or an opposing world that does not exist outside one’s body (memories are not stored physically in the brain), tells us that there is at least one rule of organization/preservation (how one arranges the ideas of each physical or “imaginary” reality) at work in the universe.
One can, for example, focus on acting out of the illusion/fact (depending semantics) of individuality, or focus on the illusion/fact of something bigger which one tries to properly integrate with by adapting their behavior.
“Lower” animals do this in a sense, but they focus more on their own survival.
Humans have the ability to ensure everyone’s survival, if only they could unite as humanity and stop fighting over the clash of opposing cultural elements.
In the Old Testament God created man last, the tend his garden.
We are a kind of specialized stem cell of the earth, and be picking up in information from our environment on how to act, we alter ourselves.
Too much culture, too many rules, it makes us too robotic. We aren’t taking advantage of the “Wise” in Homo Sapien.
- Act in ways that do not harm the life on earth.
- If one is not acting in such a way that harms the life on earth, do not infringe on their proclivities.
Of course, all this is not an easy thing to transition too, considering those in power got there by accepting a great number of norms, by becoming what they had to to succeed in their goal.
Is one’s goal to develop themselves, to build their talents, and slowly strive for an image of your idealistic (yet realistic) image (of both yourself and “reality”)? Or to make money?
Idealists are usually considered unrealistic, inpractical, but while their heads are often in the stars, their daydreams can be trained to create breakthroughs that aid those he shares his life with.
The world MAY be the way it is now, and actually thinking the world can immediately accept and make the alteration from the present world to a global utopia is certainly childish, is it childish to imagine the most peaceful, the most creativity-conducing, emotionally fulfilling and personally-developing environment for man to live in, and begin to work towards that, no matter how many steps one may have to take?
Everyone should be fed for free each day, have free housing, healthcare, everything. There could still be a money system, but it would be used as a form of trading luxury items, nothing needed for survival (all that is taken care of).
Each person, depending on their age, will receive different amounts of money at different time in their life.
Once a person dies, this money goes back into this system, to be given to another person.
If one ran out of money, they would not be allowed to ask anyone for money for free–such a thing would be seen as someone who has a psychological problem, what is the person using all their money for? Why do they need such material excess?
Computers would be free, as would the tv/monitor. Transportation would be free.
Money would mostly be used for the exchange of gifts, which would often be made by an artist (only man-made items, and not all of them, would be worth money).
If one runs out of money, and feels they need it for some reason, they speak with state bankers, who ask why they don’t have any money and why they can’t wait until the next money handout. If they believe the person can pay them back, by a agreed future handout(s)–when one hand-out will be deducted, then they will be given money.
If the person is excessive with their use of money–asking the bank for help–to many times then the person will be required to speak to a few therapists in order to be considered for another loan.
School, and all needed supplies, would be free, and as long as gets passing grades he can continue moving up on his studies (which, once he’s decided to stop stopping) will place him into a corresponding job, with a corresponding salary.
Teachers, Counselors, Doctors, Scientists and Philosophers would be paid the most.
The health of the planet–the being that allows our existence, the body to which we are cells–needs to be our prime concern. Physical damage = Damage to the earth. A body’s cells are meant to survive while simultaneously preserving and repairing the body. At this moment we have become parasites on the earth, growths of cancer.
By not working towards a stable, life-supporting future we are, with every decision to go against preservation we write ourselves into a future reality in which billions of lives, and perhaps one day the entire body itself, end before their time; by not overcoming a primal culture-clash and the resulting redudction to savagery far beneath our abilities, we waste a life that could be made much richer, whether that life be your own or the earth’s itself.
Well, I typed quite a bit there, but it comes to my point: More freedom to act (but following at least the two guidelines I numbered above)= More intelligence, more fulfillment, more growth, more happiness
This is the difference between a cell and a stem-cell. The human can will itself to evolve throughout its lifetime. Each human is a unique species that evolves with every moment.