Can the origin Earth be recover from its sickness?

First you must realize is Earth sick?
Our natural resources are going down. Pollution is destroying our necessities.

They say by 2048 the creatures in the sea will be gone.

I was watchin a movie, a girl who never studied books, versus a scholar, they were having a challenge who can out sing the other, through insights, and criticism. This girl sings songs to unite the poor and brings courage to defend invaders and exploitation of property owners.

Anyway, can we make a new earth? Can we make an earth, that we do not have to be called God himself? Or are we really are Gods because we can create a new world?

I don’t suppose you have a source for the ocean dissapearing by 2048? Which is to say, who are “they” ?

the source is YOu and ME.
You and me have contribute this pollution.

Unless you and I change, the Earth will continue to be self killing itself.

Maybe the earth wants all sea creatures to be destroyed. Maybe the earth wants man to evolve into terra-formers, using up all of earth’s resources in the process. Maybe the earth is the ultimate sacrificer.
Maybe the environmentalists are clueless.

MAybe the problem is not the earth.

IT is “you”.

Maybe not.

I agree.

The solution however, is not easily found. Sure, we’re using all of our resources, but there are more efficient ways of utilizing them. Everything happens for a purpose.

While I agree that mankind is, uhhh, shitting where it eats right now, here is some food for thought: … Mother.htm

it is more than just pollution, if you believe in equivelent exchange then maybe we can balance out our resources and neccessities between nature and us (humanity, not just certian individuals).

now this is a problem, pollution has alot to do with this but so does
the life/death ratio of our countries.

i believe it’s possible, although it would take a considerable amount of care for people and preserving they’re own actions.

why are you brining this problem into religous context? because churches are made of blocks that are mined from the other side of the U.S? because bibles can easily be factory-manufactured? am i getting to the point?.

i don’t know where this thought is coming from, but yes we can easily and influencing(ly) help each other heal this injured earth.

dan020350 i respect this thread and your concern and questioning for others very much, i’ll stick around here for a while. hope you reply :smiley:

Donnie DArko FAn and the other.

The problem is “you” As long you continue to follow your everyones habit, loitering, or don’t give a damn, you are condition. As long as you remain this way, humanity is not going to change, nor the earth. The EArth is doom. Unless we change, not tomorrow but now. only when you realize that enviorment have made you who you are today, you are not aware that you are condition, therefore, the enemy is not the other, the enemy is “you”.

exactly. I like this thought, it would take a considerable amount of care for people. So realization that there is something wrong within ourselves that do this, to act this way, to act in the pursuit of pleasure, never ending our pleasure or desire. AS long our desires are never satisfied, the earth is doom. Can you stop desire?

as far as cultural studies and disabilities are noticed, this is very true.
of course this is what i have to say for/of the “other”.

this is the same as saying a 90% of inhabitants/civilization is striving to push itself forward, while the genetic-endangerment-of laws is 5% in a repeative proccess that is caused by the other 90% influence but at the same time the 5% effects innocent lives by chaos (not thinking, perceiving harmful threatening goals). everyone looses in the framed situation either planned by past events or assembled for mass collecting of the future “if” any for earth.

that was a bit odd for me to explain something, :astonished: oh well i hope it comes to good use somehow.

possible, since one can easily start it but it takes maturity for this to actually stop itself, and here in america nearly everyone is awoken and exauhsted from daily pleasures they try to or do fullfill so i can’t say this can or cannot be stopped it takes a variety of resources to stop this threatening danger not only for us but everyone else, the only other against us is ourselves (obviously).

The problem isn’t ‘desire’ the problem is consumerism culture, which gives man the wrong idea of what he wants.

I mean, if we ‘desired’ for the earth to not go this catastrophic direction then obviously ‘desire’ isn’t the problem. The problem is consumer worldview.

I have nothing against the development ethic, but I think we’re being rather short-sighted. “Business as usual” needs to change, but not the idea of ‘business.’ There MUST be better, more environmental, ways of doing things. I’m not just talking about ‘pumping cleaner air out of factories’ I’m saying ‘why pump air out at all?’ Perhaps there’s an ‘environmental industrialized’ revolution needed…

Donnie Darko fan said that ‘America is tired,’ and it’s because the consumer mindset is tiring - you’re never satisfied, you always need the next newest, the next next whatever. I’m not just talking about America, obviously.

Donnie Darko Fan

YOu are right ! and you understood me quite well .

Terrific ! You have understood. you have explored the issue of the conflict and the insight.

after this morning, I felt that since the earth is since, it needs a needle, a medical treatment, another comet ! Because its immune system and white cells has ceased to function


we are in the same boat, problem is as a metaphor and materialistic argument, we don’t need the boat because it was made from natural resources namelyl trees or some ore mined from the ground (earth).
what if we can’t swim? armaggeddon? the fight to push above the others your with?.let’s make this relative to a movie script: i select SAW 2.

subjects: eric, daniel, amanda, john (jigsaw).
objective: survival and health.
i’m sure we have seen this movie so i don’t have to explain the outcomes, other than what “immortality” would be sick enough to preserve the test of survival among individuals like ourselves. i don’t fear thisevent until i witness it, i don’t fear earth’s dissection until iv’e caused it. that i have done by the names of other humans trying to live with the money they can barely feed themselves with, everyone looses unless a change is made. unless a sacrifice is given and/or somebody continues the sick “legacy” of there elders.namely amanda took after jigsaw, daniel will never see eric again because he is already near death and john has finished escaping death.everybody and everything is set, the keys are hidden and the game is only over if we let the buildings lethal air pollution devout us from the inside out, people before us made this building.
our fault, our trial, our murder, our framing, our wants above others needs. us and our faults and the charges are listed clearly in our minds for those of us who understand this.

what can you do to help me Rain?
what can i do to save myself dan?
this is way above just morality, it’s law and order that corrupts and destroys to feed it’s “good” meaning through higher powers of the united nations. who don’t even see they’re effected the cause that pleasures the income and outcome of all humanity. sometimes that pleasure even backfires on itself like john’s sudden death and success in john’s van.
we still play by the script.

…i’ll simmer down for a while iv’e been waiting a while for the forwarding of this discussion.

“…the planet’s not going anywhere…we are” - George Carlin

(WARNING: some profanity):


I was gonna quote this Carlinism earlier :slight_smile:
We ARE going somewhere…terra-forming, baby…the earth will be abandoned eons from now.

to quote someone is to make one thoughtless.

donnie darko fan~

Save you from what? Do you know what is your problem?

The Earth will not be killed by us. Of course, we will eventually pollute it enough to make it uninhabitable for most, if not all its current inhabitants - but the Earth itself, will remain. Where it goes from there, who can say? Perhaps it will give birth to a new life; thriving in the polluted planet and harsh conditions.

I for one think the planet will be much better off without us and welcome its coming destruction. Why all this self preservation, I don’t know. When one says ‘don’t kill the Earth’, what are they really saying? ‘Don’t kill me or my future generations’, perhaps? - Well why the hell not?

Anyway… here’s to you, Mother Earth! May your future years treat you kinder then we have.



besides “W.C.” 's insulting suicide offering comments, and my own psychological shit hole, is there help?

Hey Donnie Darko Fan, sorry I didn’t see SAW 2. Loved Donnie Darko though. A friend of mine has been wanting me to see SAW and SAW 2, but just haven’t gotten around to it. Enjoyed reading your post though, but I can’t reply not knowing the plot or what your post was really about.

However, i’ve got this magic potion. Maybe that would help. We’re mass producing the stuff in South Africa. Pity though, it’s killing the fishes (we make it out of sea-water.) Oh well, we must give the consumer what they want! I’m sure the sea will figure out another way to keep the fishes alive. Besides, we’re too lazy to see if we can make it in some other way (and the public don’t really need the potion, but who’s going to feed my family if I don’t sell this product?)