Can Trump 2.0 pull it off?

HumAnIze wrote:

Sure Trump might succeed in some of these goals, but it doesn’t really matter. He is one man, at best. Which means: even IF he is legit and not a false flag gaslight against the people (which I suspect he is), without Trump himself no one is going to succeed in pursuing let alone achieving any of these goals. Trump stands alone, and as soon as he is out of the picture all the progress he might have made while president is easily erased.

I don’t think it’s as simple as that. Not everything a president does can just as easily be undone, like a light switch you want on and someone else wants off. If Vance becomes the 48th president, for example, he’s surely gonna (at least try to) carry on Trump’s agenda. And if the Dems win in 2028, they may have cleaned up their act by then and become a half-decent party again and won’t do stupid things like leave the border wide open or prop up a feckless leader that the world doesn’t respect. If they don’t (and still win), how easy do you really think it is to undo some of Trump’s goals in the list above (ex. removing the Mexican cartel… What? Will the Dems plant a new cartel?). And what if Trump’s goals succeed and the people reap the benefits of it. You think they won’t put up a resistance to the Dems trying to undo them?

HumAnIze wrote:

So maybe for 4 years we get some good progress in these areas. I doubt it, but sure. Why not. It really doesn’t matter since the next idiot elected (republitard or demoncrap) ← At least your vitriol is equal on both sides → isn’t going to keep the torch going. Or at least, isn’t going to be ABLE TO keep it going even if they want to. There is no “next Trump 2.0 personality” to step in and take over once Trump is out of office, at least not that I know of. Although maybe in time one will appear?

I will admit, Trump is a unique character. But sometimes carrying the torch is a matter of mimicking what you’ve seen to work in the past, not originality or brazenness of character. If Trump manages to pull any of his goals off, it may just be a matter of asking: how did he do it? And: can we do the same? And then there’s the question of who benefits. If it’s anyone of significance in terms of power or influence (including Musk, Gabbard, RFK, or the American people in general), they may have a lot of push in continuing the efforts.

HumAnIze wrote:

And what are the odds such a person wouldn’t already be controlled oppo propped up by the established interests? Then again, what are the odds Trump himself isn’t precisely that?

If he is propped up, wouldn’t that mean the establishment wants the changes he’s promising? And therefore wouldn’t undoing them be against their interest?

HumAnIze wrote:

Either way, even assuming Trump is the real deal, AND assuming his eventual replacement to carry the torch is also the real deal, and then stacking on top of that further assumptions that they actually do make some meaningful progress toward their ostensible goals… what makes you think the movement will be allowed to continue? ← Allowed by who? → This myth of the common folk with their orangeman hero fighting the globalized totalitarian cult trillionaire-class “deep state” that already controls almost everything else in terms of politics, media and finance, but somehow the average person will rally behind their glorious leader and change all that… forgive me if I call bullshit. I may have been born during the day but I wasn’t born yesterday.

Ah, so you theorize some secret global elitist oligarchy who’s above even the top dog in the US (ruling over both the Dems and the Republicans?). Carl Schwabs perhaps? BlackRock Corp? The alien lizard people? My question to you, then, is why, if they’re against all the proposed changes Trump wants to make, and they’re so powerful, did they allow Trump to win in the first place?

Ichthus77 wrote:

If you were being sarcastic that God is supposed to prevent that, then you don’t have the assumption I thought you had.

Well, what did you think I was assuming? C’mon, now I gotta know!

seeds wrote:

Ichthus77, it’s unlikely that Trump is the actual antichrist referenced in Rev, 13:3 (though it’s not impossible). In any case, the Trump/Maga phenomenon sure demonstrates how a vast number of idiots could be easily fooled into following such an evil character (an antichrist as portrayed in the Bible) should one arise.

Like I said to Carleas in the other thread, both sides are the “idiots” relative to each other. The problem is that we’re each getting our information from different sources that are telling us different things. No one’s necessarily an idiot if they’re employing sound reasoning based on false premises–unless there’s supposed to be an easy way to determine which premises are false and which are true–which there isn’t. I’m prepared to fully agree with anyone who wants to call a person an idiot for thinking their sources are “obviously” correct and reliable while all other sources are “obviously” not. A truly wise person would be skeptical of anything they hear so long as its second hand information (from the media or hearsay or anything other than their senses).

seeds wrote:

In my opinion, Trump (along with the deterioration of the American society, especially its political aspect) is a visible and tangible manifestation of the malignant and “necrotizing karma” that we are beginning to reap from all of the murderous, imperialistic treachery America has been sowing across the planet over the last seven or so decades.

You’ll have to explain to me your theory of “necrotizing karma”. But are you really saying that America has brought absolutely nothing but murderous, imperialistic treachery to the world? Sure, some stuff is bad, but surely a more realistic picture is that it’s going to be a mix, and it’s going to depend on the country or the people you ask. I, a Canadian, for example, think a lot of the inventions and technological advances America has introduced to the world (in medicine, in green technologies, in examples to follow on how to run free and fair elections, etc.) are a good thing and have benefited me and other Canadians (thanks America!). Not everything is good–I don’t like Trump’s tariffs for example, but we’ll see what kind of deal he and Trudeau can strike on that front.

seeds wrote:

I have often noted that if America is indeed reaching the end of its experiment in democracy, then what better representative could there be for America’s devolution into total hedonism, narcissism, and greed, than Donald J. Trump?

On the contrary, if you want a truly great leader, you’re gonna want someone who is narcissistic, greedy, and egotistical (I don’t know where hedonism comes in). Think about it. What better way to prop up his need for ego aggrandizement than the opportunity to be one of the world’s greatest American presidents that ever lived? Imagine the glory Trump would be able to bask in if he truly Made America Great Again (which, by the way, does not mean bringing back America’s worst qualities as some would suppose)! Imagine what they would say about him in the history books! You don’t think Trump’s gonna want that glory all for himself? And how can he get it other than by actually being the world’s greatest American president (i.e. fulfilling the points above, and more)?

seeds wrote:

Now with that being said, I do suggest (based on my “necrotizing karma” theory) that America is doomed no matter who is at its helm.

Wow, aren’t you a basket of hope and optimism.

seeds wrote:

However, the question is, what kind of morons think that it’s a good idea to teach our children that you can be the lyin’-ess, cheatin’-ess, most morally corrupt scoundrel on the face of the planet, and yet, still be “rewarded” (by the morons) with the gift of, not only the most powerful position of authority on earth,…

…but also access and control over nuclear weaponry?

Obviously, the morons who don’t think he’s a morally corrupt scoundrel. Again, different sources of information. One painting a picture of Trump as a hero fighting for all that’s good in the world, the other as worse than Hitler (obviously, he’d need a mustache for that!)

Here, read this: The Next Four Years - #77 by gib

Now, did you have a comment about Trump’s goals and whether or not he can pull them off?