Can we all agree...?

Can we all agree not to vote for anyone for President in 2008 who voted to authorize the president the use of military force in Iraq?


Can you agree never to eat food or consume a product processed by someone making minimum wage?


Reality works in grays, and so do I.


There’s only one thing we can all agree on: We’re not electing Bush again.

I can pretty much agree with Felix.

Anybody who was foolish enough to get taken in is likely to make a variety of foolish choices in office.

My trust of candidates who voted to authorize the war is very, very low.

The Bush Administration and the Republican Congress timed it so that they voted on the bill to authoize the use of force right before the mid-term election. Bush’s and support for the war were polling very high. It was deemed politcal suicide to vote against it by most people in Congress. Bob Graham, Russ Feingold and Ted Kennedy voted against it. Those that voted for it knew what Bush would do. He had already amassed troups in the middle east poised to strike. Since the bill authorizing force didn’t compell Bush to go to war they knew they could use “plausible denial” to say that the Bush Administration had tricked them. The mantra is “if I knew then what I know now I never would have voted to authorize…” Bullshit. They knew. You didn’t need special knowledge. Anybody who was paying attention knew. It was a bad idea . It was an unconscionable idea and they voted for it to save their politcal hides. I don’t want another person like that in the White House. Given the mess that Bush has gotten us into, I’m not sure this country can survive putting another person like that in the White House.

Yeah, I agree it was a calculated political move, which was terrible.

Like I said, my trust of them is at an all-time low. I’m certainly not voting for any of them in the primary. That’s for sure.

I can agree, since I have a moral standing against war, in general. However, I won’t call myself a pacifist because I like to be open to extreme possibilities, but the wars of the last 50 years have been completely ridiculous (especially Iraq).