Can we at least agree that 24 is blatant conditioning?

Ignore the article, just watch the vids. I couldn’t get the links because Youtube – the website founded on sharing has just made a change to make sharing harder. This of course makes sense, as they were bought out by Google Videos, which is even more sensored and essentially owned by the CIA.

I love how they switch it up and have the innocent Muslim dude trying to get onto the bus there – they’re so fair.

Honestly though, I think this one is fairly obvious.

“you can’t handle the truth” -nickolson



LOL, Gobs thinks Western Civilization is bad, the government is one vast conspiracy.

Gobs, you will be the first to die if the mullahs are empowered.

Good old binary thinking - either you accept everything a western government does, or you’re in favour of the Muslims taking over. Where would our elected officials be without such easy models of thought? - Just complex enough for people to think that some sort of judgment or choice is involved, but still simple enough that those people don’t ask difficult questions.

edit - Gobbo, do you consider this character a blatant example of product placement?

There you go again! When have I ever accepted everything a western government does? Never. There is a huge amount of corruption in the West, but it is far worse in many other parts of the world, especially for those living under Sharia Law. Do I believe the conspiracy theories? No.

However, you and Gobs buy into the 9/11 bs, and many other conspiracies. Again, there is only one valid academic who questions 9/11, and he is under academic investigation for his evidently unsupported claim.

This is patently untrue, assuming you are referring to Steven E Jones. What about David Ray Griffin (I can only assume that you’ve read his book, as I have, before passing judgment on his work)? What about Jim Fetzer? What about Judy Wood? What about Gordon Ross? What about the entire ST911 group of academics?

So, you’ve lied, you’ve attacked me for believing something that I don’t believe, you’ve threatened Gobbo with death - do you honestly think that you’re convincing anyone with these tactics?

Try learning about something before you attack it. You can start with Griffin’s two books, which question EVERY major part of the official conspiracy theory of 9/11. For a summary, you can watch this youtube video which is about 1hr 20mins:

There, you have no excuses for these persistent claims about the questions concerning 9/11. I’ve provided you with names of other academics, one in particular, and a video of a lecture that he gave. Literally, no excuse.

I suppose, but only because you blatantly hosted a picture to make a certain premeditated point.


What’s a valid academic? What the alphabet news tells you?

it has proper form, and the content is true…


The content is true?

You’re hilarious.

A valid academic only needs proper form. A sound academic needs form and truth.

And he will be if Sharia is imposed.

Again, all governments are corrupt. I do support the one that will protect me from Sharia. Is the light coming on.

Only, and only, if PROVEN!

You believe in any documentation slamming the West. Do you ever listen to the debates regarding the FACT that many Muslim overtly claim they want to establish Sharia Law into your land? I doubt it.

Again, valid academics. What are their credentials. I may have misspoke regarding this, in that there is only one valid U.S. academic who discusses this.

You are lying by omission. I did not threaten Gobs, he will be threatened by Islamic radicals. I have not lied.

Also, I have not lied regarding the fact that your believe the worst regarding the West, but rarely critique the Third World. You, are a hypocrit.

LOL, you cite a book, then post YOUTUBE??? Anyperson can post anything on YOUTUBE!

And I have provided you with numerous, valid sources to refute these claims.

What happened with you math friend?


Matt mod comment - corrected error in quotation tag causing render problem

Okay aspacia, I’ll give this one more go since you’re obviously struggling and I don’t have any real desire to make you look ignorant.

Big if…

Yes, you are fearful of a international network of Islamic terrorists that has never been proven to exist in a court of law but is all over the mass media. You project this fear onto others and see Bush as your saviour from this fear.

When people stop believing in God they start believing in anything - GK Chesterton

And tell me, given that a large number of the alleged hijackers (almost half of them) have turned up alive, or at least people whose have the same name and who look very similar, which was enough for you to accept the Bin Laden confession tape as accurate, do you consider the official conspiracy theory of 9/11 to be proven?

Cite a single example of ‘western slamming’ that I believe without justification.

I’ve listened to literally thousands of Muslims expressing their views in newspapers, on TV, on the radio, in protests, in public debates and so on. I’ve not heard any British Muslims talk about an intention to impose Shariah Law on the West. I’ve heard the odd fundamentalist whacko like Ayman Zawahari and Abu Hamza talk about such things, but Zawahiri hasn’t been seen in public for years and Hamza has been locked up for inciting racial hatred. Funnily enough, this doesn’t leave me quaking in my boots about the threat of a small band of fundamentalists somehow overthrowing Western Democracy. Hitler tried it, as did Stalin. Both had the massive state apparatus of their nations behind the effort, and they failed. A ragtag bunch of fundamentalists halfway round the world are not something that keeps me awake at night.

But all of the ones that I mentioned, Ross aside, are American. I’ll ask you a straightforward question and hopefully you can give me a clear and honest answer:

Do you honestly not know of any US academics who’ve questioned the official story/made allegations of it being an inside job, other than Steven E Jones?

If you honestly don’t know of the others then I suggest you look up their work before declaring that it doesn’t exist.

You threatened him with death as the hands of Islamists. That is unambiguous.

Insulting me only makes you look desperate.

Try reading my post before going ballistic. The link, as clearly stated, is a video of a lecture that Griffin (a US academic who has extensively criticised and questioned the official conspiracy theory of 9/11) gave that is an effective summary of his two books (which I have read but you seem to have not even heard of).

So, try again, as criticising youtube for being an open resource website is irrelevant given the actual content to which I’m referring.

Given that you appear to have not even heard of David Ray Griffin (despite the fact that I’ve told you about him before), you simply cannot have directly refuted the claims and criticisms that he’s made.

I repeat: you have no excuse for your ignorance of the group of academics from the US who’ve criticised and questioned this stuff, because I’ve given you a link and you refused to watch it because it happened to be a youtube link.

Can you not see how this makes you look remarkably ignorant, needlessly stubborn and incapable of learning what you don’t want to know?

He confirmed the calculation as being accurate. He brought up the same issue as came up on the thread discussing Ross’s paper, that the calculation assumes a couple of things that aren’t proven within the paper itself. But all science is like that, so it doesn’t invalidate the paper scientifically.

So, having given you a resource that you clearly didn’t know about, a video of a David Ray Griffin lecture, you refused to watch it, preferring to deny that it exists. I have no reason to continue this exchange with you beyond this post unless you become capable of actually admitting that these people, these books, this work exists. Either you are phenomenally ignorant of what you are attacking (i.e. people who’ve questioned the official story of 9/11), or you are in denial about them. There is no other explanation for your behaviour, and your claims.

No doubt your response will be to insult me further, get sidetracked in some other point, probably about Saddam or Bin Laden, bang on a bit about Shariah Law, make another threat or two and then get all patriotic. Feel free to post that, if it makes you feel better, but this conversation is impossible due to your ignorance of people like Griffin and your abject refusal to learn anything about them even when the information is put on a plate for you.


Your arrogance is often beyond belief. How many posters must tell you you are ARROGANT, before you jump off your pedastal?

The point is that many Muslims want to impose Sharia Law, Muslims like Councillor Salma Yaqoob.

I believe their media and their voices, not mass media. I almost never watch mass media.

Like you.

You are comparing the death of nearly 3,000 people to the bugging of Watergate? Watergate was not a conspiracy, it was a fact.

You keep mentioning Griffin–please— he is a theologian, nto a scientist, he talks about why Bush would have done this, but offers zero tangible evidence that the U.S. government did this. Hence, I haven’t paid much attention to him, and have focused on Jones.

Only those proven, as previously stated below!

Only, and only, if PROVEN!

Geez! How on earth can I pull up the bodies of 19 incinerated hijackers? You are so far gone, it is not funny.

A long time ago, a young man grabbed me from behind, hugged me and kissed me. Then he took a good look at me. “Oh, God! I thought you were Kathy.” Many people resemble others.

Really, but you believe in Chem Trails, etc., which are documented, but have no sound support. Look, you HATE Wbya. I do not. He is a dolt, and others manipulate him, and this is hurting the U.S. citizen. I do not hate him. You do. Actually, you appear to hate the West.

Why no critique of the Third World???

And, I have posted numerous scientific/engineering sources that refute your claims. Main stream media makes huge omissions, and you probably know this.

LMFAO, considering the fact that there are huge amounts of Western slamming out there, this would be easy to do.

My point is that you always believe the worst regarding the West, rather than understanding that the West has problems, but we are not nearly as bad as the Second and Third World.

Right??? You have not listened. Read the UK Islamic boards Again, how about Councillor Salma Yaqoob?

You have not idea what is going on. Read their media, and regarding the possiblity of a Cold War nuke being purchased.

You call all those who disagree with you ignorant. Hum, that is a huge amount of humanity.

You also insult many posters, not just me.

Google Malcolm Heggie, he is in your neck of the woods, and my first cousin. He is brilliant, you just claim to be. He will not know the name aspacia.


You mean the woman who ran in a democratic election (which is contrary to Islamic fundamentalism), who is a member of a socialist political party (contrary to Islamic fundamentalism), whose manifesto explicitly states that they ‘oppose all forms of discrimination’, who described herself as being ‘absolutely livid’ about the attacks on the twin towers, who explicitly denies being either a fundamentalist or a victim of Islam, who also explicitly stated that, “It is undeniable that a dodgy theology which peddles a ticket to paradise for killing oneself and others is something that needs to be seriously challenged within the Muslim community”…

Only someone who fears all Muslims indiscriminately could see this women as a fundamentalist trying to impose Shariah Law on Britain.

Okay, how about the group of Muslims that you believe planned in secret to hijack four planes in the US and fly them into buildings. Is that a conspiracy, or not?

Regardless, E Howard Hunt, who died a few days ago, was convicted of conspiracy (and burglary and wiretapping). I’m sure you know who he is and how he was involved in Watergate.

And thanks for living up to my prediction that your response would just be a series of insults and diversions, such as saying that you didn’t watch the Griffin video because you are more concerned with owning property than with having a broadband connection. As though I’m supposed to care about you owning property, and as though your owning property somehow makes your argument from ignorance more reliable.

Feel free to dig up more people who obviously believe in democracy and try to allege that they are radical fundamentalists trying to impose Shariah Law. It’s good for a laugh for anyone reading this thread.

Just a quick side note from the main debate, according to this report 40% of British Muslims want Sharia law in at least some part of the UK as well as 20% expressing sympathy with the ‘Feelings or motives’ of the 7/7 bombers. It’s an ICM report, they’re reputable.

Scary stuff eh.

On the whole though, I agree with SIATD, there’s a lot of hysteria going on in your arguments aspacia.

Hysteria? How about being aware.

Read the following link regarding the debate?
It all began with a faxed letter from Ken Livingstone, mayor of London, arriving out of the blue on April 4, 2006: … tions.html … st_21.html … _clash.php … es_su.html … YzODI0MmQ=

Now read what many Muslim’s claim in the Middle-East. For starters, try the nut case in Iran.

Being aware is not hysteria.

Being aware is not what Europe and the UK were with the rise of Hitler.

Reality folks. Your rights will be gone in our liberal democracies if Sharia Law is imposed through demographics, and it is heading that way.


Wake up, Wendy.

We’re headed towards MARTIAL Law anyways.

How bout this, Wendy, tell me why why every single flag in the federal buildings of the states has a gold fringe around it.

aspacia, from the first link:

This is what makes the majority of the report, it’s not a report, it’s not even attempting to be even handed, it’s just a rant.

From the second link:

Has this fucking idiot never heard of the BNP? And also never heard of making sweeping generalisations? I’m not even going to bother to read the rest of this blog, what a twat.

Excuse the langauge, but that has made me very angry.

If these are the sources you are reading, no wonder you believe the hype, these are full scale barely disguised rascist delusionists.

Not really, given that the same article cites 99 per cent of Muslims saying that the suicide bombers were wrong to do what they supposedly did, and that 91 percent feel ‘loyal to Britain’.

More scary is the fact that on the day of the London Bombings, Tony Blair said that ‘we know the people responsible acted in the name of Islam’, before ANY investigation took place. More scary is the fact that we’ve never had a public inquiry into the bombings, and the Narrative Account can’t even get the alleged bombers to London without entailing a literally impossible set of events, making the whole story of Khan, Tanweer, Hussain and Lindsay highly suspect, if not an outright lie.

Then there’s the issue of Haroon Aswad, widely reported over here to be the mastermind behind the London bombings until CNN and Fox reported that we was a British Intelligence asset, immediately after which the investigators said that they were no longer interested in talking to him.

Then there’s the issue of nearly 1200 people being arrested under the Terrorism Act (UK) since September the 11th, over a thousand of which have been Muslims, but only 30 have been convicted of any offences and only a third of this 30 people were Muslims. Well over a thousand arrested. 10 convictions. And most of those convictions are people like Kamel Bourgass, the ‘ricin plotter’ who never actually made any ricin, and Dhiren Barot, a single man convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, but who had no bombs, no plane tickets, no means of carrying out a plan he’d sketched on a computer. How can one person be a conspiracy, when ‘conspiracy’ by legal definitions involves more than one person? How can you jail someone for 40 years for merely planning to do something that, however wrong, they never actually did?

Then there’s the issue of the police gunning down one man and seriously wounding another despite the fact that there is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing by either.

Then there’s the issue of the Inquiries Act 2005 (passed about a month before the bombings) which grants the executive the power to limit all public inquiries, thus making it literally impossible for an inquiry to hold the government to account.

Then there’s the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act, which gives the police the power to arrest someone simply to determine their name, as well as granting them hugely increased powers of arrest for other reasons.

Then there are the two terrorism acts (2005 and 2006), which have suspended habeus corpus and destroyed freedom of speech.

Then there’s the Legislative and Regulatory Act, which enables the government to make amendments to existing laws, including constitutional laws, without the Parliament voting on them. (all these acts are available in full from the OPSI website).

So, given all that, who do you really fear is trying to destroy democracy in this country? The people who state that they feel loyal to Britain and consider the London Bombings ‘wrong’, or the people who’ve exploited the bombings to take greater power, legislate away democracy, were elected on less than a 36% share of the vote and who’ve lied to us for years about the scale and nature of the Islamic terrorist threat?

I repeat:

  • We have no credible story of what happened on July 7th, 2005
  • We have a government who cannot be held to account via public inquiry
  • We have a government who can change laws on a whim
  • We have a government for whom less than 1 in 6 of the people of this country actually voted (i.e. a dictatorship or at least an elected government with no democratic mandate)
  • We have a police force who keeps arresting people with no proof of wrongdoing, and even shooting people with no proof of wrongdoing
  • We have a few Muslims who’d like to set up Shariah Law in ‘parts’ of the country (presumably in their own communities)

I ask again, who do you really fear? The ones who want to run their own lives according to religious principles, or the people who we know lied in order to take us to war in Iraq, who we know lied to us about numerous people being members of an international terrorist network when they were no such thing, who we know lied to us about the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, who we know lied to us about the Forestgate raid, who we know have consistently lied to us about what happened in London on July 7th, who constantly levy taxes and impose laws on a population who never voted for them?

Of course, I’m presenting a polemic for the sake of argument. But if a Muslim shot a policeman then they’d be arrested and put on trial, yet when a policeman shoots a Muslim it is covered up and no one is put on trial. I can see why Muslims don’t trust British law and would like to live by different principles. I don’t trust British law and would like to live by different principles. That doesn’t make me a terrorist, a fundamentalist or someone trying to destroy western liberal democracy. If I’m a Muslim, however, it makes me ‘Pretty scary’.

Particularly given that there isn’t a single proven Islamic terrorist attack on Britain in the last decade. And BTW, polls don’t show anything except what the pollster is trying to find. Lies, damn lies and statistics. That’s the argument against Muslims.

Which particular nutcase in Iran? Was it one of the ones we sold weapons to, or one of the other nutcases?