Even a basic wiki would be a boon, because then we could start mutual projects and do combined esssays (and edit each others work), the wiki-many-mind edited essay would be great because you could discuss and work on concepts that WE ourselves (by ourselves) cannot clarify alone, I know I had this problem in the other thread where I was talking about money as a medium but kind of beating around the bush unintentionally using my writing as more of following a path to the ultimate goal – clear articulation of what I actually want to, but having to follow the steps (round about) of getting there.
I don’t know how wikipeida works. But if you start one and post instructions I’ll check it out and contribute given that I have something relevant to say.
Here’s the instructions (link at the bottom), you don’t have to use WAMP obviously. You just have to stick it on your server, many of the same instructions will apply…
Are you technically inclined enough to set it up?
How did you setup the forums?
I’m about as technically inclined as a monkey. I have no server, and I have no idea how to set up a forum at all.
Ok… who hosts this website? Could you ask your host if they have such setup services? I mean how did this site get setup?
I don’t know exactly. I just found it on google.
I have a Wiki on my personal website.
The software is free (under the GNU/GPL) and can be downloaded from here: http://www.MediaWiki.org.
Installing the software onto your server is just like installing a simple forum system (like phpBB). It comes with a installer script.