Well Canada’s Involvement in Iraq could be classified as an artificial statement due to Canada not having any role in Iraq. But the greater issue at hand is whether or not Canadians feel that their military should be involved in Iraq. Canada-US relations has hit an all time low. What Canadians have to realize is that the USA is our largest trading partner. We depend on them…they depend on us. Im thinking more along the lines of NAFTA/FTA agreements. So, just because Canada’s government and its geriatric asshole of a prime minister disagree with the war, doenst mean that all Canadians are as well. Alberta is behind the war in Iraq. To hell with the LIBERAL Regime in Ottawa. Someone should really bomb ottawa. Dont take me seriously but really.
Bigshot stated:
Not to insult you, but I think Canada has always been aware of the large market possibility and trade relations with the US. Your connotation being that there is something we are not doing to promote this trading partnership, which is correct on many grounds and incorrect on even more. But I would like to hear your reasoning, for I am also of the belief that the FTA and NAFTA are some of the greatest reasons for Canada’s economic slow down since their implementation.
Bigshot stated:
On many grounds, though not all, I agree that we depend on the US, but I don’t know if I am willing to say that the US depends on Canada. In my view we are more of a convenience than a dependance.
Bigshot stated:
Although I am inclined to agree with you in reference to our fearless leader, I don’t agree that we should be behind the war in Iraq in the context of risking Canadians lives in any way. Sure, if the US needs us to manufacture them guns, clothes, machinery, etc - why not, it’s advantageous for our economy and there is a reciprocal relationship, or; to use a more economic term - it is Pareto Superior.
What’s your take?
Well first of all, its about time someone has replied to something that I have written. I just found this place and have written a few things but yet people don’t tend to reply. So thanks for that.
Your reply was interesting. The fact of the matter is that we depend on the USA to a large extent. It is our governments own fault for not diversifying. One would think that because we depend on them that the relations between the two nations should be good. I am not saying that Canada should kiss the ass of the American. I am simply saying that until the Government of Canada changes the economic foundation of our exports/imports, that relations should be kept on a high degree of civility. I support the Americans in the War because they have this view that it is imperative that it takes place. I would want the Americans, if ever, to support us if we have the same endeavour, in mind, some time down the future. Right now would be a perfect time to bomb the Western World. I would certainly bomb Canada right now if I was in the middle east and had the capacity to do so. If ever this were to happen, I think we can count on the Americans for support…but to be sure…I am going to support them unless the people of Canada in a referendum don’t support me. Pacifism is for those who watch wars take place, not those who are in them.
Bigshot stated:
I’m not sure what you mean here. Do you mean that it is the governments fault we haven’t entered a broader international trade?
Furthermore, I wouldn’t really blame it on governments, I would blame it specifically to Brian Mulroney for creating the NAFTA. You see, prior to its existence, American companies had opened up shop here, created jobs with their office buildings and warehouses/factories. Because of the tariffs on imports it was cheaper for American companies to just build their companies here and hire Canadians to work in them. All was good and Canada’s economy was growing. Mr. Mulroney thought that if he demolished the tariffs that American Companies would come in by the truck loads, little did he know that now that the tariffs were gone, American companies found it cheaper to just ship everything in and make it in the States, so they packed up and left - which resulted in an unprecedented amount of jobs being lost in a short period of time. It basically threw Canada into a recession. America has learned from its earlier mistake and has put certain barriers up for us so we never create tariffs for them again. So here we are…
Bigshot stated:
I agree, but not when Canadian citizens lives are at stake. Economic conditions should not relate to whether one helps another in a war.
Bigshot stated:
Why would you bomb Canada? What makes you think the Iraq or any other middle eastern country wants too? According to your first sentence and the logic contained in it, one is led to believe you are saying we should go help any country with an imperative to start a war?
Bigshot stated:
What makes you so optimistic that America would support us if we were ever in trouble? Furthermore, pacifism isn’t for those who watch wars take place. Pacifists are the one’s responsible for the peace we experience. They stop wars from happening! Remember, Canadians entered the second world war before any Americans did. American’s were busy building weapons for both sides so they could make a buck of them slaughtering each other - this is the kind of country you are supporting.
What’s your take?