Capable's Method

The imagination is quite complex maybe more complex than we’ve only hoped to realize. Incomprehensible in a sense is quite vast the emptiness of forever is even grander. Discourse to the course relativeness is far more superior and infinitesimal than we’d hoped to circumference. Imaginary nodes of binary projecting an expression to have been imprinted on all scales… Don’ hinder progress yet work toward visualizing a grander scheme of the unimaginable. unchanged yet ever changing. Included yet excluded… Eluded yet never supervised… it bloes my widdle mind… :face_with_head_bandage:

If an atypical node processed differently than it’s asymmetry binary codes of ethics it was censored and minus the negativity would encompass everything that ever was… the grand scheme of things is that nobody wants peace and would rather act in their own parameters and retestify it’s detest over and over again… Rubber band theory…

Ideas: you do not actually escape formal homogeneity of abstraction. Not only with your main postulate or whatever, but in things like fractals (the fact of fractals) and chaos (defined laughably in terms of order).

Okay so deep pressed about this topic i see it going both ways.
See chaos might have been the undying factor as to why the fractal is happening… Like numerous impacts over a course of time may undo the balance of things… Repetitive observations maybe make any artesian critic their own works.
Walking in the green grass i’m reminded why i smell the prestige air and it’s abundance. It’s to inject it’s redwaters into my body so to harvest wheat in the here after for an eternity thaan eventually i’ll switch it up and start making salami sandwiches and turn up in Asia to continue rice patties…
ya know for hunger…