Okay - this is an experiment. A cautious experiment. An experiment in caution.
I once knew a guy who was so cautious that he used a condom when he masturbated.
That’s all I got.
I’m being cautious.
Okay - this is an experiment. A cautious experiment. An experiment in caution.
I once knew a guy who was so cautious that he used a condom when he masturbated.
That’s all I got.
I’m being cautious.
In the UK that is known as a ‘posh wank’
Then this is a more common practise than I thought. It even has a name. Now, here in the US, we use the word “posh” much like “deluxe” or “very comfortable”, like a posh hotel room, or posh furniture. “Fancy”.
Is this a “fancy” wank? A deluxe one?
Is there a purpose to this besides caution?
I am going to be cautious enough to wait for it.
I thought posh was a female seasoning…
Sure, same here for the most part.
Well, it’s not just caution, but also peace of mind. We’ve all seen There’s Something about Mary, which contains a relatively predictable but well-executed masturbation/haircut joke. A Posh Wank removes such concerns and allows one to get on with whatever fantasy is floating one’s boat at the time. As I understand it.
What happens if, post posh wank, the lad leaves the room and some young lady of low breeding comes in and extracts the love-piss from the rubber johnny in the bin? He could get the email he never wanted to read 9 months down the line!
How long can “it” survive at room temperature in a binned condom?
saitd - it just seems so, um, impersonal. I would feel cheap, used.
Chimney - now that is caution.
It is easy to understand the guy’s caution. After all, he had no way of knowing where his hands had been…