Celebrating The 2016 American Elections.

Future predictions if Hillary Rodham Clinton wins the United States presidential nominee.

  1. She’ll declare war on Russia and this will quickly escalate into a world war. There is a distinct possibility of global thermonuclear war.

  2. She’ll initiate internet censorship and control the likes never seen before in the United States or abroad. Alternative right media websites and anybody against government at all will be shut down indefinitely communist Chinese style. DHS and the CIA will essentially take over all news or media platforms.

  3. Political dissenters and rebels will be labeled Russian agents or provocateurs where a new democratic style led McCarthyism will sweep the United States along with the world. It doesn’t matter if you are one or not that will be the label assigned to you in persecution.

  4. The initiation of globalist world government will begin. Hillary Clinton has mentioned she is a globalist and all the people that financially back her definitely are globalists admittedly.

If you think nationalist governments are tyrannical just wait until a global singular world government is built. The horrors of a globalist government would make nationalist governments blush.

  1. There would be a move to reintegrate England back into the European Union and an effort to squash all anti European Union parties in Europe followed by draconian reintegration moves of all European states.

  2. She or those that are her handlers will divide and conquer the United States even more on ethnic cultural ties. They’ll use a race war or conflict to further bring the population of the United States under their control. They’ll use the same tactics all throughout Europe and much of all other western nations. Look forward to white people becoming even more of a political scapegoat than they already are and becoming the new second class citizens.

  3. She’ll more than likely expand the gender wars and empower radical feminism even more where the west will reach its zenith of anti male ideology. If you’re a white male of European origin you’ll be the new scapegoat for everything that is “wrong” with this world.

  4. Possible creation of a North American Union. I think the goal eventually for them is to connect a North American Union federation with the European Union.

A North American Union would consist of Canada, United States, and Mexico.

  1. DHS will become the supervisors of all future United States presidential elections. Independent states will relinquish their own power as supervisors and everything will become federalized.

  2. All different kinds of anti government and counter political groups will be brought even closer to one another despite ideological differences because we’ll all have a common enemy worldwide. This will become the new environment worldwide concerning the underground.

Imagine anarchists, right wing nationalist political parties, libertarians, and religious groups working together to take down the prospect of a rising global government. Doesn’t make any sense since all these groups hate and compete against each other but if the future becomes bleak or desperate enough like I think it will different factions will be forced to reach beyond the ideological aisle in working together at least temporarily until common goals are accomplished.

Just how will she do all that. Congress and senate have veto power over the president. And if the generals, admirals and other officers disagree, they have the power to go against her. Our military ain’t quite like any other military setup. A president can order but, if the highest officers reach a majority disagreement, then shit shuts down. It would not be the first time our military went against their Commander in chief.

Obama has already forced many military generals into either resigning or taking an early retirement the last three years putting those I suspect are only loyal to his administration into place.

Congress and Senate may or may not rebel upon certain actions taken but we must also remember all the emergency executive presidential powers put in place that more than likely would supersede both despite dissension.

GOP headquarters in Hillsborough,North Carolina firebombed.

On the side of the building in spray paint it reads, “Get out Republican Nazis or else!”


mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/st … 5507417088

mobile.twitter.com/StoneColdTru … wsrc%5Etfw

Ok yet, our military personnel are not trained like other armies. Our government leftists did themselves in on that. They stopped the breaking down of those in boot camp. They are no longer blind Stockholm syndrome followers.

I was in the army for two years. It’s all about the Stockholm syndrome and psychological acclamation. Sorry…

Hon, you were not trained the way my father and brother were. Reason for brother’s early retirement and ,quite a few of others that he knew, after only 25 yrs. or less of serving, young soldiers were pussies, did not follow well and talked back. He was a high ranking Master Chief Sgt. Air Force. Air Force is
generally easy , so if the old codgers think you youngsters are too independent then, then any president will have issues.

You know , when they changed training tactics the military budget was also in issue. Your two year hitch is more the norm now then being a lifer. Used to be that more stayed in til retirement for the life benefits.
Now, I know more people that leave after one or two hitches. Training new recruits is cheaper then paying benefits.
If they had kept the soldiers more loyal, more submissive to a supreme authority… You might be right but, I see rebellion as the bigger probability.




What did they do when they wanted to come into war? Think, for example, of the USS Maine (1898), the RMS Lusitania (1915), Pearl Harbour (1941), Tongking (1964) … and so on. … Psst … Top secret.

We must all vote for Jill Stein. It is our only hope.


theblaze.com/stories/2016/10 … et-access/
