Celebrating The 2016 American Elections.

Yea. Ii is the Occidental-modern version of o distraction from rebellion against the emperor (Caesar).

  1. Hillary Clinton buys off the electoral college through the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton wins.

  2. Donald Trump wins the popular vote but fails to gain any support of the electoral college. Hillary Clinton wins.

  3. Donald Trump wins in a landslide but Hillary Clinton and the DNC along with Obama has the department of homeland security take over national elections citing a bullshit conspiracy of Russians aiding Trump winning by fraud. Hillary Clinton wins and a new Orwellian McCarthyism takes over the nation under the democratic party. If you’re not with us you’re with the Russians and clearly a Russian agent. Trump Russian connections and ties are crafted or forged spread out via propaganda access of mainstream deep state controlled media. Incidentally this would also entail the beginning of federal control of all free press and internet censorship would become inevitable within the United States. (If Hillary Clinton wins massive censorship of everything is inevitable.)

Effective immediately the department of homeland security creates a digital internet cyber Berlin wall over the United States which it and the deep state controls.

  1. War with Russia begins before elections. Obama cancels elections. Obama wins.

(Hillary Clinton eventually becomes successor at later date.) Trump is accused of bullshit Russian conspiracy in between and etc.

  1. The democratic convention or party electronically rigs votes, use dead people to cast votes, and utilize undocumented foreign workers by bus loads to their advantage in voter rigging. Hillary Clinton wins.

What’s that saying about majority ignorance and working functional democracy again? :laughing:

Then Joseph Stalin, “It matters not who wins but who counts the votes.”

Yeah, this is why state controlled democracies always end in ruin.

Who’s the emperor? :sunglasses:

“Who are the emperor”.
Royalty uses plural for a reason.
…and refers to you as ewe, disregarding plurality … for a reason.

Bilderberg and U.N. :wink:

reuters.com/article/us-usa-e … SKCN12L011

It’s an ideological debacle, par excellence, reviving the I spy cartoons in black and white in yesteryear. The plurality reduced to Bildenberg assures the total reduction of the presumed plurality into the unitary logic which after all is the basic, nominal basis of any political identity, sans the trappings of artificially induced variable opinion making, as far as the multi dimensional definitions of ‘democracy’ allow.

Yesteryear the emperors already knew who is going to become the new president of the US.

Well, in that case :smiley:

=D> :text-+1: :text-+1: ! Pandora scores!

One could say they preplan things ten years in advance.

The goal is to make the world into an even worse global plantation than it already is.

“It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.”

If so, then they have achieved progress: from a five-years-plan to a ten-years-plan. :wink:

White and male president => black and male president => white and female president => black and female president. This could be the secret rule of the real rulers, if they want more unassailable presidents. If so: who will be the president after Hillary Clinton?

(Oh, I just noticed Hillary Clinton’s birthday: 26.10.1947 - happy birthday!)

It is a difference whether a heterosexual white man, a heterosexaul black man, a homosexual white man, a homosexual black man, a heterosexual white woman, a heterosexual black woman, a homosexual white woman, or a a homosexual black woman wants the war and says this publicly.

Hell I did not even know ghetto was a negative word let alone an insult. Growing up , my black friends and I used the word, no one cared. Just guessing but, I figure Trump had no idea either. So how could it be seen as an insult? So I might not really know the answer to your question.

The F.B.I. investigation is officially reopened on Hillary Clinton. Happy days are here again…