
Never made any claim. Of knowledge being better than any other knowledge, it doesn’t even make sense.

It isn’t just power with political office. Knowledge is power, politicians lie, manipulate, etc. Not all but most. Seems like politics intended usage has been corrupted by wealth.

One can be knowledgeable with music, one can be knowledgeable with math, one can be knowledgeable with physical fitness, etc. Power is diverse because there are many branches of knowledge.

Politicians are good with speech craft, charisma and most often manipulation. Manipulation being an illusion of power. Speech craft can be powerful, but manipulation are lies to get what you want to play off of ones lack of or misinformation/emotions. That isn’t all too powerful, it’s a weak man exploiting the weak willed.

I quoted you.

I can figure out what you will say : You have knowledge and that ‘ignorant’ person does not have knowledge. You just define knowledge to be whatever is true. (Just as you did with ‘facts’.)

The problem is … how you you know that you have knowledge and not ‘falseness’ (let’s call it falseness for convenience).

For example, you say that a prosperous society can be created without money. You know that.

I say that a prosperous society cannot be created without money. I know that.

Which of us has knowledge and which has falseness?

You’re pretty much saying money makes a society, instead of humanity making society.

Which came first, the human or the money?

An easy answer to that dilemma. Humanity came first, as well as raw resources/materials coming before anything is created out of them. These resources belong to everyone equally, they should not simply be restricted to whoever has the most wealth.

Neither of us don’t know either of those answers because A. Have we tried my option yet? No.

B. We are trying your option and look around it’s crumbling all around you all.

The person who is ignorant could be knowledgeable of some things, but perhaps not the things of which they need to be knowledgeable about regarding society and how to have a better impact on it for the positive.

No, I’m saying that money is useful in a society.

Humanity came before the wheel. Doesn’t mean that the wheel is not essential to progress. Doesn’t mean that the wheel should be eliminated.

You don’t know whether your option will work, but we should try it just in case that it does work.

Many attempts to redistribute resources ‘fairly’, have be terrible failures.

People live longer than ever. There is less infant death. People have more possessions and comforts than kings did in the past. People have mobility. They have instant communication. They have unprecedented access to education.

In fact, people have too much. They are using up resources at an unsustainable rate.

So… you have more knowledge about society than they do. That’s your claim.

Do the vast majority have a lot of knowledge about society? It doesn’t look that way seeing as who’s in power and the way things are going. I am not claiming I do or don’t, I am saying from the looks of the way thing’s are that the majority are ignorant, which most are. A lot of people in America don’t even know their legal rights, let alone anything regarding society, etc.

What redistribution of resources fairly? Marx? That’s not fairly at all. It’s still distribution for one’s worth. When one is worth the same as any other.

Some people have too much, some people have nothing.

Because education should require wealth to get in right? Not for the advancement of the human race. You’re all basing your lives around and upon greed, rather than advancement. In simple terms, very few of us live for the universe, the rest of you live for yourselves.

Except you can’t really compare money to the wheel, the wheel was discovery and crucial to learning. Money isn’t, we don’t learn anything from money except to be greedy.

Less infant death, people living longer, they have communication and access to education. Except they don’t have easy access to education, the rest of those thing’s were not because of money, they were because people treading into the unknown for a good cause, discovery and advancement. Money had nothing to do with any of it.

A lot of medicines are plant based, not money based. With the proper knowledge, anyone can make medicines. Shit even your precious money is plant based. What a waste of earth.

Less death from those medicines. Not money.

How do resources get allocated in your proposed society?

For example, people want/need cars … Who gets a car? Why? Who gets a good car? Who gets a Ferrari and who gets a KIA?

Who gets a yacht?

Who manufactures cars and yachts?

Why would they work for 8 hours per day in a factory if they can get stuff without doing anything?

To better humanity.

If it was up to me, everyone would have ferrari’s and yachts. Why not? Are people trying to tell me there aren’t enough? Bs.

So you’re saying the politician’s power comes from the illusion of having more power than he really does… I could actually buy that.

No change can last if done in one generation. Children must be the core of change not adults, adults can only support.

Haven’t you noticed how they ploy off of peoples ignorance/misinformation and emotion to do what they want them to do? If they were honest they would not be able to get people to do anything, certainly not war over bs.

Want to know why it’s not a war over terrorism?

A. Because we create terrorism just as much as they do.

B. Because we could easily wipe them off of the map whenever we so desired with the click of a few buttons if we were that threatened.

C. Because it has lasted so long over simple revenge, you would think it would be enough already.

D. Obama would have never lied about pulling our forces out and letting it end to get into office when he really had no intentions of doing so.

Yes. Children are like clay, you can let the clay shape itself or shape it into what you would like it to be. But the difference is children are not objects like clay, shaping them is not anyone’s decision except their own.

People fail to realize this “Oh, it’s my child I will teach them what I want! They will follow my religion! they’re mine!” No, they’re your genes and heir, but their mind does not belong to you. Their mind belongs to the universe.

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
― Brigham Young

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
― Plutarch

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
― Margaret Mead

^ it is interesting how I thought this as well, I did not even know this was a quote. Arriving at the same conclusions of past minds.

Even the fathers agreed to educating the entire public. There is no freedom without education, ignorance brings chaos.

Excluding blacks, Mexicans, Orientals and women. :smiley:

Oops, forgot Indians.

We have more information regarding race today.

Artimas, how many kids have you been around? And how old are you?

I have been around enough kids, I paid attention to my surroundings when I was a child as well. I am 20, why?

Its about your allowing kids to only mold themselves without adults . I agree about allowing a kid to follow their own path to a point but, only to a point…Kids for the most part are animalistic if unguided. We are born sentient, we are born ignorant and born without social skills for the most part. It could be said we are born feral and dangerous. Without guidelines and without adult supervision the young become feral and many times destructive. Not all but, far too many yet. Our ancient genetic knowledge has yet to become civil. At twenty if you truly paid attention you will see this.

I am aware. Society is only good for teaching them their social skills and how to deal with public, the beginning of school. The rest not so much beneficial. The rest is conformity, garbage. Middle and High school are the times in life where a lot of engineering takes place. “Education” becomes about what to wear, who to impress, what to memorize, etc.


This is true, and even the early part of school doesn’t teach children all they need to know/should know. Besides that, there is much that is unconscious in the way we teach children. By sitting children in desks for the majority of the day and having them memorize and regurgitate “facts” we are teaching them a certain way of life, in the way that raising a child in a tribe by taking the child through tours of the environment and schooling them in ways of hunting (for example) prepares them for a different way of life.

In order to teach children at all there must first be knowledge (or opinion) about the best way to live and/or accomplish things (or perhaps the best way to use fledgling youths).