Chapter Two. Accidental Consciousness.

[b] Accidental Consciousness

                          By Joker.

“Do you really believe that the sciences would ever have originated and grown if they way had not been prepared by magicians, alchemists, astrologers, and witches whose promises and pretensions first had to create thirst, a hunger, a taste for hidden and forbidden powers?”

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Human consciousness really took off in the neolithic revolution with the domestication of animals and plants with herding and agriculture.

It was the turning point from communal tribal existence into class society as it was followed up by private ownership and slavery marking the beginning of class inequality.

In addition to all of this we see parts of the population specialized in different activities, such as manufacturing, culture, philosophy, and science however crude its beginnings may of been. It was this stratification said to lead to the development of social classes.

One thing that many miss about this age is that it was also the rising age of fanatical religious cults that lead and founded the development of these same newly formed social classes. The newly formed institutionalized world of the neolithic world in its small beginnings were the first step in man’s creation of a seperate universe from nature where his abundance of living amongst the natural enviroment was “officially” deemed no longer suitable or “not enough.”

It was as if some wild hysteria overcame ancient man and given the history of religious cults of the time religion fits the description perfectly as the descriptive anomaly.

The first societies were the origin and foremost instances of metaphysical tautologies in existence around the face and opposition of the cosmos not to mention it just so happens that religion was the main collaberator.

Religion was the first metaphysical tautology to posit “another reality” in the face of the first pre-existing order of life that “Is” the natural cosmos.

The priests disclosed the ideal of the civilized city as the fortress of the gods implying their metaphysical tautology not from anything they knew but by devout faith and even though many pious people of our secular modern society who decry that “God is dead” who pronounce that they themselves have rid themselves of all religious faith even still carry on nonetheless with the civilized idealism descended from priests under the disguise of social subjectivism so cleverly.

What was soon to be called science and philosophy came to be born out of religion extending out of man’s attempt to give meaning to his existence.


[b]Science and philosophy can only operate between institutions of confinement with religion along the side of its neighbor cultic mythology being the first order of social institutionalized enterprises not to mention that religion was the first dialectic of man that he himself posited within nature even though no recognition of man’s inner thoughts ever took place.

It becomes increasingly clear when we see the first alphabets and mathmatical symbols as magical supernatural amulets or incantations thus science itself is entirely owed to the part of its predecessors who were guised as sorcerers and great sages!

When we hear ancient tales of priests, sages, and sorcerers conjuring hidden magical forces to manipulate others there is no supernatural characteristics of their actions but instead there is only a privileged group of men using expirimental sciences through trial and error to subjugate others as all hidden magic is a science that others haven’t discovered yet.

It then can be said that the first sciences arose out of men’s immediate desire to subjugate each other in conquest yet the class distinction of society that supplies the need to conquer over one another goes to religion much like that of science and philosophy who historically have paraded around as handmaidens for the religious.

Class distinction on the otherhand also comes from religion from the moral virtues of the chosen deemed pure against the lesser viewed enemy the impure who are seen as the unclean in the presence of the divine radiant clean.

Let it be known that the first civilizations didn’t come together out of brotherly love, exploration, or natural necessity but instead they came together out of loose tribes into strict state centers of conformity under war, chains, death and slaughter.

Civilization came to be fashioned by the sword guided by the hysterical religious cult fanatic with the captured being surrendered as the impure lower classes damned to slavery punished by a non-existent god who loves its chosen pure followers.[/b]

[b]Man constantly produces himself ongoingly in each new generation and in the first steps of civilization man produced himself radically in the name of religion where his civilized existence of apathy and idleness came to mirror reflect his faithful doctrine of heaven. It is no wonder why the first cities of civilization came to be abodes of gods and so much worship.

There in the constructed tower known as civilization the new reality to replace a pre-existing natural reality men could worship gods made in their own image and in their vanity surrounded by giant structures of their own making they could forever worship themselves and their own gluttony.

Early civilizations guided by religious institutions handing out public roles by kings guided along with priests were alot like directors where so called citizens who were more alot like slaves could play the part of actors actualizing the drama by representing it on a stage where everyone kills each other hoping for the privileged script in opposition to the scripts of the impure damned known as the servile class upon bureaucrats and as sinners amongst the priests.

The stage is the many centers of civilization with everyone putting on a performance for the gods who never replies back from the skies above.

It should amaze us all after several thousand years unto the present that with so much opera and drama we are surrounded by an empty audience!

We are all factitious actors on a insane charade of stages fooling ourselves in our own land of make believe without spectators!

Humanity what a ship of fools![/b]

[b]It has been said that all reality is precarious but I think whoever said that was too reserved to express themselves fully.

Everything anymore of what we call human existence is so unreal.

To call reality precarious is not enough. Present man descended from priests is absurd and insane to rationalize a un- rational cosmos in positing order where there exists none.

I would rather take my stand with the veil of ignorance for atleast it was comfortable and accomodating.

As I have said before all consciousness manifests itself out of social activity with the first institutional activities being purely religious in fashion since legitimation requires a moral idealism and in that period it was the hysteria of gods descending upon man bringing him hidden meanings of order that was oddly enough shared with the chosen class but at the same time not explained in depth to the impure for obvious reasons.

For the ability of technology to “better” human life it is always critically dependent on a parallel moral “progress” in man.

The terms “progress” and “better” specifically owing its existence or origins as connotations of moral idealism.

Even thought itself the prime mover of consciousness owes its very existence to religion as all its elaborate idiosyncrasies down to technological abstracts is filled with many faith like assumptions.

Look long enough at the philosophical or the scientifical one can see a matrix of metaphysical tautologies.

We assume the world is consistent and we assume the world conforms to the laws of logic as we conceive them. Likewise we assume that this reality in some extremely precise intimate way conforms to mathmatics who’s origin can still be traced to the ancient Greek Pythagoreans who used numbers in their prayers and conceived god as an infinite amount of numbers. We assume that the world somehow “matches” our perception.

As I have said before science and philosophy owes its very existence to the hysterical superstitious of religion and upon further analysis of this bridge it should not amaze us that scientists assume that world matches our perceptions as they are continuing a repetitive line of assumptions going back to the ancient priests who assumed that there was gods in the cosmos who matched their perceptions of life.

The single most important question of our age should be;

“What exact possible expirience could any of us have that would reveal to us that our perceptions have anything whatsoever to do with what gives rise to them?”

Without god, where does mathmatics exist? How does it exist?

Is it a mere facade of seeing the world?

Could there in otherwords be another form of mathmatics for other would be beings with a different perceptual apparatus?

When the mathmatician produces a new theory, has he discovered it or has he created it?

Would 2+2= 4 be true if there was no one (even god) to think about it?

Does matter exist beyond perception?

Let us then extend that 2+2=4 to the “laws of nature” and the enormity of the problem becomes apparently chaotic.

Divisibility than becomes apparently finite.

Let it forever be known and lamented that all logical consistency is a metaphysical assumption owing its very root to the naive ancient man who conceived god!

There exists nothing “In” the mind but instead there only lies objects before it!


[b]Finally it becomes apparent that the same dialectical metaphysical tautology of the ancient priests transformed into reason is now the idealism of our present future with all of reason being purely dialectical forcing all our beings into a idealism by the usage of blind metaphysics.

Civilization first started as the ancient priest’s expirimentalism of getting close to god with his elaborate temples and centers filled with idolatrus worship with all citizens as his test subjects yet later down the road when modern man picks up his rein he continually clings to the same assumptions through similar if not identical hysterical means.

Civilization is always in a state of exprimentalism with all it’s citizens as test subjects in each shifting generation versus nature where no thing exists beyond survival.

Our consciousness only existing from social activity ongoingly externalizes itself with it’s first externalization owing to the cultic mythographers of a insane twisted hysterical age of snake eaters and fire worshipers.

The first labors of civilization being those indebted to priests.

The cultural existence reduced to wild hysterical activities rather than a biologically fixed human nature surrounded by constructed symbolism.

Social order only exists only as a product of human activity being constantly produced by man in the course of his ongoing externalization as well along with the self who is a slave to a million symbolisms.

Gradually through reification the expirimental alteration of civilization became institutionalized while at the same time remaining an ongoing expiriment but since it has become institutionalized through reifying the ancient people forgot its expirimental circumstance declaring it god given or a evolutional extension of nature through some supra human idealism.

Civilization then doesn’t become the representation of the real but rather it becomes an ongoing expiriment where man rages a war within himself due to the lack of closure he finds in the outside external world.

Institutionalism then becomes habitualized and idealistic reason along with religion is given a free ongoing pass.


Thoughts would be appreciated. [-X