[b] Accidental Consciousness
By Joker.
“Do you really believe that the sciences would ever have originated and grown if they way had not been prepared by magicians, alchemists, astrologers, and witches whose promises and pretensions first had to create thirst, a hunger, a taste for hidden and forbidden powers?”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Human consciousness really took off in the neolithic revolution with the domestication of animals and plants with herding and agriculture.
It was the turning point from communal tribal existence into class society as it was followed up by private ownership and slavery marking the beginning of class inequality.
In addition to all of this we see parts of the population specialized in different activities, such as manufacturing, culture, philosophy, and science however crude its beginnings may of been. It was this stratification said to lead to the development of social classes.
One thing that many miss about this age is that it was also the rising age of fanatical religious cults that lead and founded the development of these same newly formed social classes. The newly formed institutionalized world of the neolithic world in its small beginnings were the first step in man’s creation of a seperate universe from nature where his abundance of living amongst the natural enviroment was “officially” deemed no longer suitable or “not enough.”
It was as if some wild hysteria overcame ancient man and given the history of religious cults of the time religion fits the description perfectly as the descriptive anomaly.
The first societies were the origin and foremost instances of metaphysical tautologies in existence around the face and opposition of the cosmos not to mention it just so happens that religion was the main collaberator.
Religion was the first metaphysical tautology to posit “another reality” in the face of the first pre-existing order of life that “Is” the natural cosmos.
The priests disclosed the ideal of the civilized city as the fortress of the gods implying their metaphysical tautology not from anything they knew but by devout faith and even though many pious people of our secular modern society who decry that “God is dead” who pronounce that they themselves have rid themselves of all religious faith even still carry on nonetheless with the civilized idealism descended from priests under the disguise of social subjectivism so cleverly.
What was soon to be called science and philosophy came to be born out of religion extending out of man’s attempt to give meaning to his existence.