I dunno about other users, but I haven’t seen the ILP mainpage in dog years. Much quicker just to go to the index. However, the index page lacks easy, intuitive access to the chat room.
When I didn’t have a computer with internet access, I always entered through the main page. Now that I do, I enter through the index page. I don’t think I’m suggesting anything too radical when I say that those who access ILP through the index page are also those most likely to use the chat room . . .
I have chatted in that room on multiple occasions.
I would request that people use their username when chatting in the room, and if you do not have or are not using your username, I will ask for you to identify yourself.
You will probably become annoyed and leave, but I like knowing who I am talking to ahead of time.
There is a link, it’s in the upper left, under the header. D0rky, if you want to make a fancy link for it, I’d put it in to make the link more visible.
Speaking of the homepage, it sucks. I’m looking in to getting it back to where it used to be, displaying recent topics, posts, users, etc. It’s complicated, and all the prefab solutions I’ve found will change the look of the boards too. On the long list of things to add/improve