"Chelsea" Manning's Sentence Commuted by Obama

I’d just like to poke my head in here and say that Smears is probably twice the thinker I’ll ever be. I like my niche zone and I think I’m pretty good at it. I can parrot past masters and make their words fit almost anything. But what I’ve really done is navigate a path. I’ve followed the thinkers I’ve liked and bounced up against and found a way around the thinkers I haven’t. Sometimes growth came from a thinker I liked reaching a conclusion I didn’t. Do I submit myself to their will or do I go another way?

There is lots of discussion that could happen there.

Smears is the only dude to routinely use logical notation. Even if he was just trying to make a point of nihilism (often) he used the most up to date rationalist means to do so. Using rationalism to deconstruct itself is not my bag but I appreciate that dude can (or at least could? It’s been many years) do it .

My niche zone is Eastern Religions. Smears’ niche zones are logic and philosophy.

Thanks buddy. That’s what I went to college for.

Has anyone seen Uccisore? I wanted to ask him about his take on some current affairs in our great nation’s capitol.

K: since 45 has self destructed, Ucci has been MIA… I guess he doesn’t want to face any shit
about 45…I for one certainly wouldn’t give Ucci shit for 45 being such a shitty president :-"


I’m starting to worry about him. I know he had gone through a series of meltdowns here. Running around lashing out at people and basically getting blue in the face with having to cope with some of his views not lining up with the world in front of him.

Like I disagree that the travel ban didn’t have anything to do with Muslims, and I disagree that its appropriate to publicly shame minorities, poor people, and those who have preferences that differ from mine. But I don’t want him to be going through what he must be going through having to watch his ideals crumble in practice every day on the news.

He might be embarrassed, maybe enough people got through to him and he’s now coping with his bigotry and realizing that not everyone in the world is a radical leftist, and that there is such a thing as a center.

I hope he’s ok. He’s a very smart guy, too smart to not be a little ashamed right now of how he’s been behaving. Hopefully he can come back and apologize to all the good people he’s insulted here, and to the ones who’s reports he’s routinely deleted as a result of his political bias. And maybe he could be willing to have civil conversations with people and we could learn a little more about how he came go hold the radical, bigoted selfish, petty childish views that he’s let define him for so long. I used to think that the term “moderator” would require a person who is moderate to faithfully execute the position. Ucc, showed me that that was false.

Ucc, I don’t agree with you about much, but I hope you’re reading this and taking it well. The rest of us aren’t as mean and hateful as you, so you can come back and were not going to attack you the way you would attack us.

Or maybe it’s spring break and he’s taking a vacation…

I don’t know that to be true, I just think it’s pretty unlikely that his absence has anything to do with the goings on at ILP. It’s easy to overestimate our causal role in other people’s motives. For example: I don’t think Uccisore ever deletes reports on this forum; I delete them after a week or two.

Who knows man. I know that he generally thinks I’m a libtard or whatever, and I know he’s been facing a lot of disagreement from a broad variety of posters who disagree with which many would consider inappropriate expressions of his views, and that his absence conspicuously coincides with a lot of real world happenings that seem to demonstrate that some of what he agrees with isn’t a popular as he may believe. But we’re supposed to exchange ideas and points of view here, and so I felt co concerned that he may feel as though he may not be welcomed in the current political climate. With what’s going on in the news, it just made me wonder. I have a tendency to get the most entertainment/enlightenment/intellectual engagement out of posters who disagree with me on principle. So I wanted him to be here to discuss some of this stuff. Hope he is just on vacation. I’d hate to think that he felt uncomfortable discussing this stuff with guys who’ve known him here for years.

But logically it’s just another case, albeit in reverse, of Trump’ s tactic of defensive offense. It’s really only a laymen’ s dealing with the fallout from a no contest admission. I think I am right but in case I am not, heck…

The post modern version of minimal admission hence responsibility.

His absence , may mean so many things that your guess is as good as mine.

WRONG. In the nearly three months since you posted this there is no sign whatsoever of Assange being extradited to the US.

He won’t be - the alt right is facing a huge identity crisis (how ironic, given their entire subculture is based in identity politics). As the most prominent of all the self-victimising clowns who make up our political spectrum, Trump winning was a huge problem for them. You can’t honestly claim that white male conservatives are somehow being destroyed by Leftists when the Democrat party ditched their Left wing candidate in favour of a genocidal but politically correct centrist, who then lost to a orange supremacist retard.

Furthermore, it didn’t take Trump long to reveal that he isn’t anti-establishment. I mean, who would have thunk it? Him being a North Eastern billionaire and all. Meanwhile, Milo is a busted flush who covers up and makes excuses for paedophiles, which even the most warped alt rightist cannot claim is OK, having spent years claiming that it is the Left who promote and excuse paedophilia. Now you’ve got a guy in the White House who openly talks about how he fancies his own daughter, and the gay Greek immigrant troll who was being heralded for sticking it to the liberals admits to being a sociopath who covers up for child abusing cunts.

That is to say, the alt right made claims to morality which are now utterly falling apart. I’ve noticed how in the last few weeks they’ve gone virtually silent, so I doubt that Ucci is any different. Of course, when and if he returns he’ll deny it, because the last thing any alt rightist does is admit to having feelings or being hypersensitive, even when they’re losing their shit at some neolibtard twatting on about where trannies go for a shit.