What are chemtrails? Bets are if you watch the sky for a few weeks you will see them. They resemble jet contrails in that they start out as a white line of ‘trail’ from an aircraft. Unlike contrails, they can be very low and are sometimes tinged with oranges, yellows or purples or even reflect oily rainbows in them… Instead of being that crisp “sky scraper” line, they are thick and clumpy and often appear to ‘drip’. They slowly fan out to a “spider web” hazy cloud cover that spans a large section of sky. Reports of 60-mile “cloud systems” from a single Chemtrail spray has been reported. It’s obvious when you see one that it’s a spray of “material” or chemicals and not normal “water vapor” that the thin contrails are made of. Analysis of chemtrail spray have turned up powdered aluminum, barium, pathogens and even dried human blood cells.
Now, the military refuses to give an answer other than what we are seeing are actually contrails. One email I read talks about a shopowner who was talking to a airforce officer about these, and he said the man knew exactly what he was talking about and didn’t argue one way or another, he just didn’t say anything despite looking like he wanted to. Another email(s) by two different individuals, in different locations explained how a grid of these chemtrails actually prevented an oncoming weather front from coming to fruition.
Now, I’ve heard a wide range of stories pertaining to the purpose of these chemicals, ranging from global warming corrections to weather maniuplation for military stragedies. Now the common sense approach might indicate that the military is actually conducting preventative ‘helpful’ excersizes as pertaining to global warming, but the interesting thing that someone pointed out is that with the US’ necessity to scare the shit out of everyone over every little thing… why keep this ‘threat’ a secret? This points at a weapon function. Imagine being able to cripple a country without firing a shot? I read somewhere that a gov’ document said something like ‘The risks are high but the rewards would be monumental’ about a project that could have been this one. The planes are almost always completely unmarked and have said to be brazen enough to dispense their load low enough that people could actually smell the chemicals.
You know when you think to yourself ‘Hey… something’s not right’ but it doesn’t register until you think back on it? Well that’s how I feel about these things… I’ve seen them, and I’ve thought ‘That’s not disapearing like frozen water vapor usually does’. Be it myself, or the genius brainwashing of the powers at be… I did not stumble across this until today, needles to say it scared/scares the shit out of me.