
What are chemtrails? Bets are if you watch the sky for a few weeks you will see them. They resemble jet contrails in that they start out as a white line of ‘trail’ from an aircraft. Unlike contrails, they can be very low and are sometimes tinged with oranges, yellows or purples or even reflect oily rainbows in them… Instead of being that crisp “sky scraper” line, they are thick and clumpy and often appear to ‘drip’. They slowly fan out to a “spider web” hazy cloud cover that spans a large section of sky. Reports of 60-mile “cloud systems” from a single Chemtrail spray has been reported. It’s obvious when you see one that it’s a spray of “material” or chemicals and not normal “water vapor” that the thin contrails are made of. Analysis of chemtrail spray have turned up powdered aluminum, barium, pathogens and even dried human blood cells.

Now, the military refuses to give an answer other than what we are seeing are actually contrails. One email I read talks about a shopowner who was talking to a airforce officer about these, and he said the man knew exactly what he was talking about and didn’t argue one way or another, he just didn’t say anything despite looking like he wanted to. Another email(s) by two different individuals, in different locations explained how a grid of these chemtrails actually prevented an oncoming weather front from coming to fruition.

Now, I’ve heard a wide range of stories pertaining to the purpose of these chemicals, ranging from global warming corrections to weather maniuplation for military stragedies. Now the common sense approach might indicate that the military is actually conducting preventative ‘helpful’ excersizes as pertaining to global warming, but the interesting thing that someone pointed out is that with the US’ necessity to scare the shit out of everyone over every little thing… why keep this ‘threat’ a secret? This points at a weapon function. Imagine being able to cripple a country without firing a shot? I read somewhere that a gov’ document said something like ‘The risks are high but the rewards would be monumental’ about a project that could have been this one. The planes are almost always completely unmarked and have said to be brazen enough to dispense their load low enough that people could actually smell the chemicals.

You know when you think to yourself ‘Hey… something’s not right’ but it doesn’t register until you think back on it? Well that’s how I feel about these things… I’ve seen them, and I’ve thought ‘That’s not disapearing like frozen water vapor usually does’. Be it myself, or the genius brainwashing of the powers at be… I did not stumble across this until today, needles to say it scared/scares the shit out of me.

Now, these could potentially be for any number of reasons. I’m not totally dismissing that these “chemtrails” could be used for some nefarious purpose. However, certain crop dusting chemicals leave a similar color tinge to the sky if you happen to be underneath them when it happens.

Is this for weapon purposes? I wouldn’t think so. If we were creating these for some sort of nefarious uses, I don’t think they would test them openly and to their own citizens so publicly. That hundreds, if not thousands, see them and if people starting coming down with odd symptoms shortly afterward, people would put two and two together. Now, our we deveoping some way to fight global warming or manipulating the weather? Both of these have been done for some time, so it wouldn’t shock me much.

Are they perhaps spraying some chemicals for some other reason? This picture is taken over trees, could it be for some other purpose, such as some new chemical which does not harm the trees but helps make them more resistent to fire? Thus preventing such blazes as we’ve seen of late during the summer and fall. There could be countless reasons for this. I wouldn’t jump to the ‘conspiracy’ edge just yet. Military often do not speak of things in the military. It’s common practice.

But, the best thing was this,

I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but it was good.

 Oh for Pete's sake. You see something, you think it's weird. You have no evidence or argument, it just doesn't look like you think it should. The Gov't tells you you're wrong, that it's as innocent as it looks, so now it's a big conspiracy.  So whatddya got? You heard about a guy talking to an Army guy, and the army guy didn't say anything at all, but [i]he looked like he wanted to. [/i] You've got trace amounts of metals and human blood showing up in something [i]coming out of an airplane[/i]. Planes do drop human waste, you know.  No nanomachines? No sarin gas? Nothing at all surprising? Well, the tests were done, nothing showed up, that should be the end of the conspiracy right? Of course not!!! The fact that nothing was found just means the government is better at hiding the evidence, that's all. 
  Jeez, most conspiracies have a lot more going for them than this. This is pathetic.

This is just a summary… .google ‘chemtrails’ Ucci.

Actually hold on… I’ll get some links.

Now, if this is all such bullshit, why won’t they tell us what’s going on? They don’t give an answer… they just say ‘No it’s just a contrail’ when it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT

I’m not saying this is necessary an ‘evil’ operation or that it shouldn’t be going on… I’m just saying all the evidence points to something other than the explanation they are giving.

One guy even looked at these things with a blacklight and said the sky was glowing. He even said not to believe him… but to try it for yourself.

Ucci, I don’t think you realize how many people actually are crying out against this, people ARE getting sick. Yes they’re doing this right in the open… that’s how daring they are. This shit is going on on a daily basis… and you haven’t even noticed. Someone has to ask these questions… I may be wrong sometimes, but at least I’m looking into this stuff.

It wasn’t intentional… but that’s funny.

 Obviously not? Why, because you think it looks funny? I'm aware there's an established Chemtrail conspiracy out there and you didn't make it up- I work the night shift, and the only thing on the radio on the way home is that nutter Art Bell. So the URLs aren't really necessary. 
The answer to your classic question, "If it's bullshit, why won't they tell us what's going on?" is that if it's bullshit, there's [i]nothing to tell you[/i]. 
Um, an explanation from the Gov't [i]is[/i] a piece of evidence itself, and from what I can see, it's the most substantial evidence to be had. So no, 'all the evidence' doesn't point this way or that. If there was such a large body of evidence pointing away from the Government explanation, it would be pointing towards [i]some other[/i] explanation. So what is it? 
According to the link you gave, tens of thousands. In other words, almost nobody. 

So, what have you discovered? “Something’s not right” is a waste of everybodies time.

LOL, generally you and I disagree Uccisor, but on this on I have to agree. I am so tired of the conspiracy theories arising probably because so many HATE BUSH. I do not care for the man, did not vote for him, but please, some of the rot I read regarding OUR BIG PLOT TO CONQUER THE WORLD IS RUBBISH.

Again, it appears Old Gobbo is the new conspiracy theorist since psyche left.


I dunno what to say… you seem to be showing that you have absolutely no flexibility when it comes to this issue. If you think that picture looks ‘normal’ then so be it, I’m not gonna argue with you… as it will enevitably turn into an ‘american’ thing.

Ok… when did I bring up Bush?

I thought I presented this semi-objectively. All I’m saying is that things don’t add up here… things don’t make sense. What they’re telling us is a lie… now whether the lie is for our own good, I don’t know. What I do know is that people are getting sick, what they’re doing is in violation of US law.

The eyewitness accounts are perhaps not the most reliable, but the fact that you can google ‘chemtrails’ and find a whole shitload of information is an indication that this isn’t just some mute point. People are talking for a reason.

Stop jumping aboard your own bandwagon regarding what you think of me as a person and read what I’m saying.

  Let's suppose for a second that I, some guy on the internet with no formal education that you know of, thought that a picture of some clouds didn't look 'normal'. What then?
  As it stands, though, I don't think they look any different than the contrails pictured here:

That guy could be right, concerning those photos, but specific weather conditions can’t account for trails that seemingly ‘turn on’ out of the blue as the same plane loops back to make a patch in the sky of parallel lines.

Like, these arn’t commercial planes we’re talking about here. The ones in question are always plain white with abosolutely no markings whatsoever on them.

The reason why they can pull this off in public is that often contrails don’t dissapate as fast as normal like what might have happened in that picture, so they can just do it and then flood disinformation into the gaps. For instance, the pic you linked explains one particular instance, but there are so many more pictures which that explanation cannot explain.


When I was young during the 60’s we had smog alerts daily, currently they only occur approximately five times a year in So. Cal. I have seen these clouds since very young, but only in the winter months as L.A. smog does meet a dead in in the valley I lived in. They were very common thirty years ago. You claim people are becoming sick from this. I haven’t read your second link, and actually prefer valid sources regarding such charges (i.e. academic sources)

Gobbo, I grew-up within a mile of huge orange and lemon orchards, (Redlands CA check of you do not believe me) yes, spraying occured, but no one that I know of ever became ill. Gobbo, have you ever lived near very large orchards or crops? I have. Please notd this article has no stats of any sort, much less valid sources to support its claims.

This is followed by more claims, with no valid support, just allegations.

Gobbo, try locating valid web links regarding such allegations, even a valid media source. Even Clarity and Resolve, a very out there right-wing source uses valid media sources.

 So, you've seen video of the same plane flying back and forth making parallel lines, so you know it's not just several planes following the same air space, with the comtrails parallel due to wind drift?
 Also, consider that materials spraying from a plane are bright, visible, and narrow right behind the plane, and rapidly spread and dissappear altogether as you get further away. Things like cropdusters and so on. They look nothing like comtrails. 
  Everyplane that is white, grey, or silver looks plain white from that high up during the day. I don't think I've ever seen a plane that didn't look all white, unless it was so close I could read the Airline name on the side. 
  Yes, and there's [i]some other [/i] explanation for those. For that matter, why does the pattern of a comtrail coming off the back of an airplane even [i]need[/i] an explanation? Neither one of us are physicists or meteorologists, I assume, so aside from the fact that one of us just decided that every comtrail in the world better look exactly the same [i]or else[/i], where's the issue? As far as I can tell, what the cranks have done in this instance is said 
 "All Comtrails look like [i]this[/i]. If you see one that doesn't look like what we told you they all look like, it's conspiracy time!"

You did not, but I have read your previous posts.

A long time ago, when very young and foolish, I too believed some conspiracy theories, actually, did believe the rubbish regarding the JFK assasination, until a poster pointer out Oswald was indeed a marksman, albeit, am still concerned regarding the other sound bites that have recorded five shots. Still looking on this one, ah off topic.

What really makes sense Gobbo? Children born with crooked backs, does that make sense? Nut cases blowing up innocents. Ah shit, off topic again. Sorry.

Gobbo, who are “They?” Remember, I have seen what you describe as chemforms?? (sp) since the 50’s and 60’s, so?

Gobbo, you are a Brit, no? What do you know regarding this. I have lived near huge orchards while growing up, and no one I knew ever suffered from the effects you describe.

Gobbo, eyewitness accounts are the least reliable sources of evidence if you have ever taken a pych. class. Just for fun, be in a room with 10 or more friends. Have a stranger deliver a pizza. Then wait 10 minutes. Have each of your friends write a description of the delivery person. You will be surprised regarding the results.

Gobbo, right, there is a great deal of “shit” to be found on the web, wise up to the manipulators.

Gobbo, remember when do I ever jump on any bandwagon? Never, not my style; although it appears to be your style.

I did read what others said, not much of your voice, only you jumping on the conspiracy theorists bandwagon.

LOL, aspacia ducks as Gobbo grabs the stones to throw.

A brit?

No I’m a half American… in other words… Canadian.

Ok so how do you respond to the two people who witnessed the same event from 2 different places, the event being this:

A storm front was approaching from whatever direction, and then some planes layed down some trails infront of the front, and it basically dissapated in quite a noticable fashion? Is this mere coincidence?

Chemtrails are just something people do to avoid homework

No that’s sex

 Well, how do you distinguish a contrail from a chemtrail? If they called it a chemtrail because it had lots of sudden stops and starts, or was an odd color, or because it hung in the air for a very long time, those are all indicators of specific weather conditions- the air there was colder, hotter, lower pressure, higher pressure, windier, less windy, or so on. Like in the website I showed you. So no, the idea that a storm front would do something strange once it got the area where the contrail was behaving strangely isn't a coincidence, and it also isn't unusual at all. Of course, if you take it for granted that a 'chemtrail' has nothing to do with weather patterns, then yeah, you are forced to look for some weird explanation for the weather changing.  Doesn't it seem at all suspicious to you that the rational explanation for contrail behavior is focused on atmospheric conditions, while at the same time the conspiracy nutters are saying that chemtrails might be used for weather manipulation? Seems to me they are seeing something [i]very [/i] explainable: where and when a contrail does something 'weird', the weather is likely to do something 'weird'. Because atmospheric conditions affect both contrails and the weather, that's all. 

I thought every human action was done simply to avoid boredom, so whoever is putting these chemtrails in the sky probably just has a serious case of ennui.

You guys are useless.


I thought you of all people would have known that these “chemtrails” are not some “government conspiracy” but merely trails of naturally occurring Godzilla gas… I mean really… how do you think they “killed” Ghidorah?
