1 e4 c5 (i constructed this from memory, the moves are correct, and i believe the order correct also.)
2 d3 d6
3 Nf3 Nc6
4 g3 g6
5 Bg2 Bg7
6 o-o Nf6 (or g8-f6 if you prefer)
I have a security detail that I have to attend for the next 11 hours. As you know I’m a U.S. Marine, and they are celebrating 100 years of flight on my base with a huge air show. I should return later tonight to post my move,
You are the man! worked 78 hrs this week myself.
Did you just earn that rank of Philosopher? Just curious.
In this portion of the game is where it gets difficult for me. I hope you don’t mind me inquiring into your past experiences in order to make me a stronger player. I’m not talking about hints or strategies for the game at hand, but more like general knowledge.
Oh yea, and at least you know the feeling! This sure can’t be life, I spent more time working to protect the freedom of this country than I do enjoying the freedom of this country.
The manner in which we notate doesn’t matter to me.
7 Bg5
— You get Philosopher at either 250 or 400 posts i think.
— I was once big into chess, studying, going to tournaments, taking lessons. It’s definitely exceptionally great brain candy. I’m out of practice now, though.
When i was in the Navy, i learned to appreciate my freedom also, it is probably the principal reason i didn’t re-enlist.
I see that you have become an agent of the system. Congratulations.
8 Nc3
— Thanks dawg. 8Nc3 i assume, that being the case 8…0-0.
Sorry for my tardy reply. There is a certain symetry to board.
9 Qd2
Yes our kingside positions are similiar. I was wondering when you were going to break that pin…
10 BxNf3
10BxBf3 Nd4
damn!! I have a serious problem typing these notations down. Forgive me, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing half the time!
This was a tough one. that knight on d4 was too much of a future threat. Didn’t know what the best way to handle it. I had to play out the game a few times.
11 Bg2
I know what you mean. My last post should have been “10Bxf3 Nd4” to be technical.
11Bg2 b5
I’ve totally screwed up this opening, i think i gained a tempo with the knight, but i’ve given up bishop for knight. I saw that Cali pic on you and obscure’s web site. That was cool.
12… BxB (Bxh6)
if 13Qxh6 then i will play b4
12 Bxh6
13 Qxh6 b4
14 e5
interesting zwischenzug…
14… Ng4
What is a zwischenzug?
It’s a German word. Chess terminology for an in-between move (like in a series of exchanges) that threatens something and forces your opponent to react.
The simon and schuster pocket book of chess:
Zwischenzug. (I can’t believe i actually spelled it right)
An intermediate move in an apparent forced sequence, usually conferring some kind of surprise advantage.
I assumed you had to move your Knight at c6 (apparently forced) but you played e5!.
I assume you mean Q to your Kn5 although you may mean Q to your Kb4. In the former case Nxe5, in the latter, I’ll let you know later.
Hey Marshall, once again I typed too quick. sorry. I edited my last post to show what I meant to put. Are you still going to take e5?