Choose a Language

Well, which part are you disputing? :smiley:

Literature, poetry, philosophy have flourished in the French language to the extent that I will not make a judgment between French and English on that score.
As for my other assertion, English is a fusion language between Anglo-Saxon (a Germanic language) and medieval French (a Romance [Latin-descended] language). There is thereby a much greater wealth of synonyms and innovative constructions than many other languages can call up. We’ve got Germanic words for stuff, and also we are capable of utilizing Latin-descended verbiage for differing concepts.
I’m not claiming English is “better” than any other language, just saying it has an incredible wealth of sources and uses.

I think French would be a pretty language to learn. It just sounds very aristocratic and “learnd”. But, I personally would love to learn German because of its harsh and angry tone. It feels like all the romance languages are soft and poetic. I want something different that sounds like a bodybuilder shitting a brick while being pissed at his wife.

Plus, I need to be able to understand this German techno and rock I’m listening to :smiley: My current favorite German group is Rammstein.

Die Techno von Rammstein ist arschloch, ja!

languages are better or worse depending on who else you can talk to. If I could speak in ancient Greek to other dudes that spoke it, that would be awesome. Otherwise, I would choose English because its got the best mix of literature, big vocabulary, and very widespread use.

Hey, Rammstein is actually very good!

salutes sehr Gute!

I would like to speak Basque and Inuit.

Basque because, as I understand it, it is linguistically isolated.

Inuit because of the interesting tonal variations.

I would love to speak Irish Gaelic. The language structure is really interesting (and difficult) and the language sounds almost musical when spoken by a native speaker.

I’ve always been curious as to why J.R.R. Tolkien called Finnish and Welsh his two favorite languages. I suppose that when you’re a linguist you inevitably have favorites, but I’d love to know exactly what reasons he had for choosing those two. Anyone read Tolkien’s biography or something that might answer that question?

There’s this one song by Rammstein that I like. I can’t remember the name of it but the chorus is:

…“Not and angel when Ieee dieeee.”

Its pretty cool.

Unfortunately, when I hear the music I get this image of Mike Myers doing the skit “Sprockets” on SNL. A bunch of german techno-heads dressed in black bouncing up and down to some horrible industrial music.

“Do you vant to touch my monkey?”

I’ve always wanted to speak braille…or fax. (kidding, obviously :laughing: )

For the language, in and of itself, I’d choose Loglan (logical language, made as a study to test various theories about language) first and Esparanto second.

For practicality in the real world, I’d choose (if it couldn’t be English) a European language that would enable me to be comfortable in the Netherlands.

besides English (beacause of its flexibility and rich wordstock) I’d choose languages with the closed ‘u’ or ‘y’ sound - Finnish and Turkish. It has some special attraction for me, don’t know why.

Russian would be nice as well. [/code]

Around 750 million people are believed to speak English as a foreign… So if I had the right to choose, there would be 750million and 1 :slight_smile: Anyway, I would like to learn Jewish(Hebrew)/Latin, to read the original of the Bible. Also, want to learn few Eastern languages, I’m really interested in buddhism’s culture. Finally, Norwegian… for personal use :slight_smile:

Well I would choose either German or Russian because I know people that are from or live in those countries. Out of the two I would probally go with German because the Russian characters are hard for me to understand. As of right now I have english with a hint of the southren United States.

i would most likely choose spanish, if only because it would make the class easier. Secondary would be Latin. Its just got a neat sound.

English, because it’s the world language. Or maybe Mandarin, but chinese is so complex.

I would love to speak a dead language as my native tongue.

:wink: clever


could you speak a non-human language, like Klingon or dog?