The afterlife as thought of through Christianity
Heaven is what all Christians hope for, but yet death is still feared. That fear of the unknown, or the perhaps I’m wrong, always seems to creep in. To think of any place for eternity seems scary to me. For the very well idea that things that are finite, are more valuable than things that are infinite, however not much has been found infinite, or even thought of as infinite for many of us humans. The longing for an infiniteness somewhere, somehow, is a great desire. For we can look around and see the earths structure, what we have created, and we feel all of this, how perhaps can this be created out of natural selection? Or over a long process? For don’t babies come about through very small cells and naturally come to form a baby? We see this as a miracle, but it’s only natural through small natural processes. But not it’s not only that things come about naturally, but that they die naturally. Things do come and go, and it’s very surprising if not, even in many ways things come and change for quite possibly they never go and only change form. For quite possibly everything has existed, but not in this way. Not in the form of my car! But what was a car prior to that form? And how when that form is changed, can it still be that same form? It’s not is it? Just as the idea of heaven. Heaven will be a place of great happiness. For those that were saved and hated worship will do it now for eternity and be pleased by it… what changed their mind?.. No… Not a change of mind in the sense that the mind is a concrete structure. For quite possibly the mind always changes. For one day a man may like winter over summer, and then summer over winter, sometimes depending on the circumstance. So perhaps a mind can change, and the person not. But realistically what can be you in heaven, the mind? What carves the essence of a man? For in actuality one would need to believe the mind is empty. That the soul is apart from everything and has nothing to do with us, only possibly the part where we know were are alive. But how realistic is the idea of heaven. For a man dies, his soul which I will contend is empty, will now forever be happy in worship for eternity. The soul that chose not to accept salvation, or not follow through with such a belief, would in hell be a full soul. For a soul in hell is not discarded the prior self, for in hell sin is not excluded. But in heaven your will would have to be changed for no sin to exist, unless sin was not sin anymore. But this really can’t be, unless Lucifer and his followers were just an exception. So it’s the problem of free will in heaven that bothers me most. Perhaps if the only two choices are keep yourself in suffering and loneliness, and lose your essence and fall into a state of eternal bliss, that perhaps heaven would still be what would be considered realistic. Such as atheists believe man dies and is not aware of himself ever again, this would be very familiar and relative to the idea of heaven. For if Christianity is right, then man is punished for wanting to extend life through intellect, science, and a greatness in finding answers. And if man is wrong about his beliefs, he is still punished, and by punished I mean not what man wants even if it was his choice. The Christian view is that their will be a new heaven, possibly a different one from Lucifer’s. The common answer is will have a new body. By new body, what does this mean? What is body, is the brain body? If so then will be new people unless somehow the brain is separate from the mind. But no, I could be wrong. The mind may have nothing to do with the soul, or what we will be. The thought of this though is rather confusing. It seems the simplest answer we can come to is “we just don’t know†or “some things God can only understandâ€. Quite possibly so, just as I can lose a sinful nature and be myself, whatever myself ever was, I can only conclude nothing in a existential belief. It seems as though, whether or not heaven is a problem. It seems as time goes on God is dying. For he dies in church everyday, he dies when church becomes a social gathering, a place to meet friends, or a happy delusion that becomes a part of your life, a thing to do, a trait on your resume. The only way God can keep existing, which he will, is by changing biblical interpretation of the masses. Or perhaps we can believe blindly and contradict scientific facts. Perhaps science lies, but this seems near impossible. So it’s only ignorant to take a literal view of genesis, for science has shown we have evolved. Animals have evolved from other animals, as we have evolved from our ancestors. Sure we are unique, but just because we are doesn’t mean we didn’t come from a single cell. Some cannot believe we came from monkeys, maybe we did, maybe we didn’t. The fact is we evolved in some way, either from God or from nature. It’s quite possibly for us to look at our technology and be amazed, but this would never seem possible 50 years ago, maybe less. Just as it can reverse, we don’t see how we could have came from what we have to what we are now, but it’s only foolish not to ponder that question.
This is all for now on my thoughts. I want to hear what you guys think.