Christianity on life support, a Nietzschean Christmas

Why can’t we pull the plug? Is atheism just another religion,as someone once said? Given the date,I think this is timely.I’m sure most of us know Nietzsche boycotted Easter when the pious hausfraus’ tried to make him go,as a young doubter, to Easter services.Genius will bear no witness. I don’t want to hear how society will fall apart without it,that’s played out already(but I know you will).As N. was fond of stating,2000 years and no new god?

You can’t pull the plug because people still believe.

They do not recognize the Will to Power and Nietzsche as his prophet, blessings be upon him.

I think various competing macho-fied forms of Nietzschian-ism(s) are rapidly becoming competing religions on ILP. How poor N dawg would have twirled in his grave! - still great to have the man himself signed onto the board…


Sure, but I’m know that Nietzsche, as most people, realized that people are going to create their own interpretations of him and his writings. I don’t think he would twirl too much. He’d just wish he could get out of his coffin and respond with his own words.


…Words of wisdom my friend!
Maybe he’d just like to escape and do some more living …he had his misfortunes especially with the ladies


You got that right. His is a sad story full of misfortunes.

(There are far fewer female atheists)."Nietzsche,however,thought of himself as standing at the beginning of a new era,as the first philosopher to have really “uncovered” Christian morality,as the herald of an anti-Christian epoch. He was fully aware of the dubiousness of any such distinction:“To be the first here may be a curse; at any rate, it is a destiny”(EH iv 6).W.Kaufmann N.Phil.,Psy.,Antichrist. A megalomaniacal pronouncement to be sure,but prescient,nonetheless. Darwin,Freud,Marx,and Nietzsche. All atheists ushering in our modern scientific atheistic age. It’s time to come out of the shadow of this dying religion.“This World” may be steeped in woe,but is’nt it time to make our way honestly,courageously,and with wide open eyes? Nietzsche decried that when he saw something falling, he would rush to help it’s desent.WE MUST DESTROY IN ORDER TO CREATE!! Don’t we owe it to Nietzsche? Crush the infamous thing (t).

We can’t pull the plug because Christmas isn’t a christian celebration, its a consumerist orgy of excess that helps drive the capitalist system we all hold so dear. That’s in part why the atheists all hold thier tounges as they go shopping for big screen T.V.'s to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

I did’nt shop for christmas.

Imagine if he came back. He would get SO many ladies especially since that whole moustache thing is really in style these days.

[size=200]Shop as usual[/size]…

My wife and I aren’t doing presents this year (because we’re broke and I’m unemployed). But we got a Christmas tree for free because I’m working at a xmas tree lot for a little cash.

My wife and I are both atheists. I suppose it is a Solstice tree, not really a Christmas tree.

Actually, Christmas trees have a pagan origin. They were solstice trees before they were Christmas trees.

[size=200]Only 9 shopping days left.[/size] Closed on X-mas.

I’m going to dress in my best late 19th century English Gentleman outfit.

If an alien saw us cutting tree, sticking them in our houses, putting coloured balls on them and then putting boxes under the tree they’d be scratching their heads…

Of course Christmas these days is no more or no less then the feast day of excessive capitalist consumption. As Ireland spirals rapidly into inflation we have politicians telling us that its our patriotic duty to shop.
One store owner on the radio the other day was saying she was delighted that people finally seem to have realised there’s only a week left and “got the finger out”

Good will and charity to all indeed…

Problem is there’s no escaping it. I have a hard core rational atheist friend who “ignores” Christmas so he stays in all day and catches up on dvds - cooks himself a non x mass vegan repast etc. But of course this is now his little ritual and we all know not to invite him to anything or give presents. So there’s rules, customs, a tradition - his anti Christmas has become just another Christmas ritual - hard to escape!

Personally I just like the time off!

Happy x mass


That’s funny, and very true. We can’t escape the culture we are in. Religion is 99% culture anyway; constantly evolving and changing. I say, wherever you may live, celebrate the holidays and rituals if they are fun for you. It astounded me that my Hindu Sri Lankan roommate in college would have a Christmas tree every year. I say that is the right attitude. If it’s fun, embrace it! Even if you are against the reasons behind a holiday, you can still create your own fun traditions.

Yea can’t argue with that Brane - even if a person’s “traditions” are simply a little hidey hole for themselves from the predominant ones or simply designed to annoy people (as per my friend)
I’d also have to agree (even as a sort of anti-thesist) on the intimate connections between culture and religion - no escapin’ it!


Screw the reasoning behind everything…is everyone so callused that they refuse to enjoy a national day that can be taken to enjoy your family and the value of family simply because the day shares with religious holidays and store-made holidays?

What a pathetic existence that would be if humanity reached an end such as this; to lack recognition of the bond between those that are close, and to take a day to celebrate in that company; regardless of that manner.

Throughout human existence we seem to take the “winter” or “hard-time season” to huddle together and celebrate our community together.
Why throw dirt in it’s face for the sake of saying that a tree is silly, or that a guy hanging on wood is ridiculous?

Just enjoy the artificial flavoring in the candy and quit bitching that it’s not authentic fruit juice.