Citizen For All Seasons

Citizen for All Seasons

I think that an adult citizen for all seasons is one with a mind that is organized, critical, self-conscious, curious, and caring.

We are endowed with a strong curiosity at birth. Despite all attempts by our educational institutions we generally manage to enter adulthood with some small part of that curiosity still intact. However, if the individual fails to nourish that curiosity until mid life it will be dead.

The young person can reach mid life with curiosity alive and a critical and self-conscious mind if that young person develops some intellectual activities after schooling is over. If the young person develops a hobby of intellectual endeavors then that young person can reach mid life prepared to be a “Citizen for All Seasons”.


I would like to propose a motto for your “September Scholar.”

“I’m not young enough to know everything.” J.M. Barrie, The Admirable Crichton, Act I




I have found many of your quotes to be very interesting. This one I do not get however.


Oh well, a joke can’t be explained and still be a joke. No matter.



I believe Wilde would be suited: … 38415.html