Civil War has Started

Show me where you said anything like that.

In fact, if it means that much to you; retype it.

i cant express how gratifying it is to me when i see all these maga tears lol

Wasn’t it fun watching all the Antifa/BLM getting their asses kicked into the ground? lol

Well deserved, it’s nice to see MAGA fighting back.


You’re inverting the argument in a self serving way.

You state that because “arms” wasn’t defined, that the Supreme Court can decide that nuclear warheads aren’t arms. That’s absurd. You know why? Bcuase if nukes aren’t arms, they have no jurisdiction over the sale of them (the ATF)

But let’s go even further!

We have THE RIGHT to bear arms!! That means the government should give FOR FREE every citizen a nuclear warhead.

Like I said before, the constitution is toilet paper (though I must admit that I think the preamble is good).

Freedom of speech has become a nightmare lately.

Freedom of speech caused a 14 year old girl to commit suicide years ago because she was bullied; no charges on the bullies because of the first amendment.

We live in WAY different times now!!!

We have nukes, we have automatic rifles, we have television, we have the internet. Etc…

Even if he framers were well intentioned, they had no fucking clue any of this would happen!

You know what I say to MAGA people?

Make America great for the first time.

Wrong again.

The SCOTUS doesn’t give rights to anyone. Congress, the Legislators do that. SCOTUS merely declares if it is being done as Congress (and the Constitution) have dictated.

Now that is what is “absurd”.

It says that you have the “right”. It does NOT say that you are guaranteed ownership. The Constitution says that you have the right to pursue happiness. It does NOT say that the government guarantees that you are to be happy or even that you are guaranteed a pursuit of it.

Having the right to have or do something is NOT being guaranteed ownership or motivation.

Your misguided, uneducated version of it is “toilet paper” - a strawman.

So you want controlled speech? - Communism? And you are the one to rewrite the Constitution. - I don’t think so.

You don’t seem to even understand what you have. You are certainly in no position to try to change it into your fantasy utopia.

We’re not there yet…

Where , civil war, or fantasy? Or, both?

the majority of americans do not support a right wing agenda

The majority of Americans support Free Speech, Rule of Law, and Fair Elections, so they do support a right wing agenda.

Civil war.


I’ll rewrite the constitution to make it current.

By the way, you are misusing the word “right”.

You have the right to a fair and speedy trial… means it applies to everyone. The word “right” in the constitution implies ownership for all. That’s why amendments were ratified for blacks and women to vote.

Giving someone a nuclear warhead doesn’t mean they have to use it, just that they have the right to it; especially since tax payer dollars paid for them.

You might have invented the English language off in your multi-diminsional spirit world but down here on Earth, I’m pretty sure it isn’t yours.

Having a right means “having no impediment from others”. Speedy trials can’t be impeded by others either. And since trials come to you from the government (unlike your arms and happiness) the government must act quickly to give them else they are impeding. That is the difference.


Something I am wondering about is if the globalist agenda was to commit fraud to such an extreme that one of two things were bound to happen -

[] The fraud would not be caught so Mr Hyden, Lyin Biden would become President
] The fraud would be caught and the election would go into US Congress where they thought the communist dems would have control and be able to choose Mr Hyden, Lyin Biden anyway.

Because the communist dems did NOT get control over Congress (yet) they now promote that there was NO FRAUD regardless of evidence with the hopes to persuade the ethos against Mr Trump.

I don’t see anyway out of it at this point…


biden will be inaugurated and there will be no civil war

ur very naive


why dont they bring this evidence to court?


i have to say man on twitter i have like 30k followers and get a couple million impressions a month and there are all kinds of crazy maga there who are waaaay better at this than u. u should probably stay here in this little hole where u can hold on to ur delusions because i think thats all u really have i mean i am literally begging u to use ur brain and distinguish between hype/speculation and actual evidence and u are failing miserably at that. i am begging u right now to make ur case and it cant just be a youtube video of some alex jones types fucks showing people moving boxes