Russell Kirk wrote about religion in a pragmatic, ethical, and social sense because he was a political theorist and that’s the sense in which it was useful to the stuff he was saying. In the article you site he straight up says that spirituality can’t be merely summoned up when it’s expedient to do so- it has to be sincere, ingrained. I don’t think Kirk was like Strauss (was alleged to be) in that sense.
You’re right about revolutionaries. To explore this idea further (if you haven’t) check out Burke’s writings on prejudice, or Kirk’s commentary on them if you prefer that writing style. The basic idea is that the revolutionary replaces the trial and error of an entire species with the logic and reasoning of one man or a group of men. But it’s an unfair comparison- you’re right to bring up elites. The intellectual elite compares his ideas that come from his study to the conservatives’ ideas that come from tradition and/or prejudice. The liberal studied, the conservative didn’t, so the liberal is superior. Of course the mistake is that the conservative didn’t fail to study because he is stupid or because his ideas are stupid- he failed to study because one doesn’t NEED to study in order to live in a way that’s already been proscribed as best through previous generations’ efforts. A cultural elite then is one that has to work three times as hard to make sense of the world because he rejects what is common sense to everybody else. He mistakes this extra effort as a sign that he’s more reasonable, more intellectual than the rest. It’s rather like the laborer who carries a heavy load in his arms when others use a cart, because the extra sweat and effort makes him think he’s a ‘harder worker’. Never mind he got half as much done for twice as much effort, and at the end of the day his bricks end up on the same pile as everybody else’s…
Religious critics (just say 'progressives') are in favor of the uniqueness and power of the 'individual'- themselves and those who think exactly like them. Other sorts of individuals are invariably referred to as 'the sheep' and 'the masses' and the primary concern of the progressive is how to undermine, manipulate, and control the 'masses' for the benefit of those who make it into their 'individuals' club- by having the right ideology, ethnicity, sexuality, &c.