Clandestine activities of the Bush Administration

The recent flare ups of violence in Lebanon and Gaza have direct connections to Bush administration policy, and if you don’t believe me read the article by Seymour Hersh below. It is a long article but it’s well worth it. Also, the article was published in the beginning of May before the violence expanded to it’s current proportions. … fact_hersh

There will be no peace in the Middle East until a large number of issues are resolved, most notably, Iraq, and it’s connection to the Shia majority in Iran, and their pursuit of Nuclear fuel/energy, and how that will relate to the balance of power in the region, and Iran’s funding of Hezbollah ect.

Assuming you believe that Hersh is on to something here, Do you think the path the Bush administration is taking in order to combat the rise of Iranian influence in the Middle East is a desperate tactic or a wise decision on their part, considering what happened with Salafiism in Afghanistan. It seems to me that the ultimate goal of these programs is to destabilize the region by playing the sides of the old muslim schism against each other. I’d like to here any of your thoughts on the subject.

I don’t think it matters what we do. The middle east will never have peace.

yeah… bush overthrew the shaw of iran, it’s all his fault…


Clandestine activities and deceit are normal for any gov’t. Especially ours. it does not matter wether it is run by democrats or Republicans, they both want power and will lie to get it and keep it. We the average citizens are mere pawns in an age old power struggle.

Both sides cause damage, as a group we can only stop what damage we are told to stop by the opposing side. So grab your popcorn, kick back and await instructions from the side that you choose to listen to for now.

You won’t have a clue what you are doing or why, you will only think you know. They , the powerful have all the marbles we have nothing except little pebbles.

It does matter what we do because the actions of either the clandestine services of the U.S. or of other countries working with officials of the U.S. will determine the course of events in the M.E. Peace is out of the question obviously. How big will the war be?

Well, do they hate the U.S. for a good reason, or simply because they read the wrong religous book?

Yes, but these clandestine activities are in essence against the nature of a democratic system, especially when they are not reported to anyone in congress or the senate, so that there is no oversight of these activities at all. But then again we all know the U.S. isn’t a democracy.


motives don’t mean a thing. kill the enemy.


True it is barely a republic anymore. I don’t think our leaders know what they want this country to be.

Who is supposed to report to whom? Do you tell your enemy your moves?
The war over Washington D.C. causes the most problems. People always sound shocked when a coverup or misinforation is found. Why? Its a war up there and we are the prize. Between corporate treasuries and the corporate stooges A.K.A. politicians, we are being sliced and diced.

Do you recall when the states used to be legally sovereign? Now the states are under the thumb of the federal prize package.

When the federal Gov’t turns its military upon its own citizens and when a gov’t has the power to see inside your domicile, you need to start worrying about more than one clandestine activity. You need to start wondering if you are actually showering alone. Or is some bored perv, that works for our esteemed Gov’t, playing with a sattelite.

To combat this fear, wave to the sky, that ought shake em up incase they are watching. I usually shake my breasts at the window then flip the finger if I happen to think about it :laughing:

Motives are a method of understanding, and if it is a war you’re in understanding the enemy is of paramount importance. Also does killing the enemy always solve the problem, or does it create the grounding for more violence, and any way murder is the easy way out.

It seems to me that other alternatives should be examined before one starts shooting.

sure, be a good sacrifice


I wonder if Imp can make it through a post without regressing into dropping the word ‘liberal’ without need?

I bet 400 quatloos… ah, nevermind. Not a fair bet.

Actually imp,

Generals prefer less death. Fighting weakens their side too not just the enemy’s side. In the military if a commanding officer makes a bloodless victory that is a good thing. Strategies are designed to minimize death unless a massive purge is needed. Bloody battles are not good for either side. They prefer to have the otherside give up. A battlefield is a nasty thing to have to clean up. And that happens to be one of the victors spoils, clean up. If you were a general which would you prefer? A realtively bloodless surrender or a bloodbath that you and your soldiers have to clean up after? hmm, I think the navy may have the easiest clean up in all the branches.

The object of any war is not death, but victory.

So why our politicians are creating more death and destruction by, not allowing the commanders to do the job they know how to do, is beyond me. Me thinks it has to do with green, gold and sticky black.

I have not heard that word in a decade or two. Of course Jim wins and gets the girl :laughing:

then don’t fight hand to hand…

carpet bombing is good … chem and nuke weapons are effective as well…

which would I prefer? the one that ensures that the enemy will not regroup and hit me in the back… the only way that is accomplished is with the death of the enemy…


Actually just cutting the head off the enemy is the best. If you slaughter all of the military you breed resentment from civilians whose sons and or daughters you just killed. Bad strategy. Mercy is the hallmark of an intelligent military.

We are the prize. We are the power they seek, the fuel for their fires, the sound of their symphony. And they do play us don’t they. Well regardless the truth is out there even if you have to know where to look in order to find it. Which brings me back to the reason I started this thread.

From what I have been reading recently it seems that the U.S. government has been funneling money and supplies to salafi/Al-queda groups in Lebannon in order to set up a counter force to the might of Hezbollah. Apparently the whole debacle with Fatah-al-islam came about when someone decided to stop paying this group which pissed them off enough to rob a bank in the refuge camp, which started the whole violent conflict with the Lebannese army. All the while the media has been reporting none of the back story, or should I say Fatah-al-islam’s motives, for attacking the power structure in Lebannon which has turned out to be a suicidal decision, but instead they have continued to be misleading by calling them nothing but a recent outcrop of Al-queda loyalist that need to be destroyed. If it is true they are playing a very dangerous game that has very little permanent advantage.

A definition of Salafi Islam. … salafi.htm

Thats some visual. More than I’m prepared to deal with at the moment.

Still, it’s important to know why Johnny Jihad wants to saw your head off, you know, for piece of mind as you’re dying.

conspiricy theorists and whistle blowers watch the watchers. If we choose to do nothing then why the watchers?

We sadly can no longer trust the news media to accurately report anything. Once a news station picks a side they become corrupt. so who is supposed to report to whom and will any information be accurate or biased?

and japan counter attacked us when?


what does that matter? you’re dead.

kill him first.


Your point? Japan owns how much of the states via its citizens? How much in imports comes from Japan? Japan may not attack violently, that way did not work the first time. The Japanese are highly intelligent, there are more ways then one to destroy your enemy. The Japanese take the long view. Take a look around, violence is not the only way to conquer. I would say that if the Japanese had a retribution planned it is looking quite successful. Think long view, think generational, they do.