Cleaning product caused siezures in our dog.

This time of year we seal up our homes against the cold, Air circulation goes down, little fresh air comes in. Fumes from cleaning products can cause harm to family and pets. One such product that I need to warn people about is Glade air deodorizer, The specific one is smoke odor remover. The normal Glade has shown no ill effects on my family, the one to eliminate smoke odors caused major siezures in one of our 4 legged canine kids. It occured less then an hour after I sprayed the house. I feel horrible because I know that fumes can cause problems. I acted without thinking. I purchased this product because, it was the only one available at the store, my normal Glades were sold out. Please test new products carefully and use sparingly in these cold days. If this product can cause siezures in a dog, it can cause the same in a human. yes I have advised Glade of this.

Poor pup.

Lots of things can set off seizures. Sounds, Smells, Lighting… I know, I’m epileptic.

I guess you can’t play many video games then.

Haha, far from it my friend. Lighting doesn’t cause me to go nuts. Just alcohol, stress, and lack of sleep. (a.k.a fun social events.) #-o

I meant, because every computer game I’ve ever played has an epileptic seizure warning on the inside of the front page of the manual.