Can anybody tell me exactly how much hotter 2008 was than 1908? And, in that time, exactly how much has sea level risen? Quite simple I would have thought, and, hopefully, two simple answers.
Well, I can’t address that specifically, but this link here may help a bit.
Reading a book on our family ancestors. Anyway large parts of the world are near identical as they were 7, 5, 3 and 1.8million years ago. Down to annual rainfall. If things are changing its not a global trend.
Honestly, I think a general, collective human consciousness is changing.
In other words, since we notice more things now, we become more paranoid about them.
We then go on to make nonsensical and ludicrous claims about things that we hardly know anything about, at all. (like “climate change”)
Wow, that’s one long family history you have there .
Anyway, are you sure about those numbers, since they go in and out of the last Ice Age (2.58 million years ago). Plus, how do past numbers effect climate change science, other than to set an outer limit in which our current numbers can be interpreted?
Glacial periods in europe/etc didn’t cover the globe. Past lack of change over millions of years, with glacial periods inbetween huge parts of the world are climatically/habit almost the same. It certainly should skewer confidence in computer models hardly deserving of respect. If we punch past numbers into prediction based computer models on climate it wouldn’t be accurate for today.
I’m gonna call this one wrong. The Sahara used to be verdant pasture land within fairly recent geological times. (see: - amongst others.)
The sun causes global warming/cooling. It can be directly linked to the increase or decrease in solar flares. The global warming hype is just there to put a carbon tax in place and make you pay to breath. Without carbon dioxide, plants would die and this place would become one large desert. Deforestation is killing our planet more then greenhouse gases ever could dream of.
You can’t call me wrong because I haven’t specifically reffered to the claim i’m making yet, large parts of the world remained unchanged, even after glacial periods they often returned to normal. (where they didn’t remain normal to begin with). Plenty of prehistoric hominids, up to millions of years ago, lived in climates remarkably similiar to our own, thats including huge parts of the fauna.
- The Last Human
this note after a full explanation of location’s climate and reasons they think it was the same millions of years back, happens to be the end quote on many discussions of climate about our ancestors in that book.
I never said the entire earth’s climate has remained unchanged for millions of years, I said plenty of climate(s) have, in specific locations.