Climate Claims

Oh, I couldn’t tell when you continued asking me a question already answered.

I can see why they would want to keep our nation powered without any hitches but mega rich industries? Ridiculous!

you should vote for that green new deal

What is so great about the green new deal?

Have you read it all?

I thought you enjoyed eating beef?
I thought you prefer to eat meat in general?
I thought you enjoyed having enough electricity?
I thought you appreciated not being taxed per mile driven?

Every time a bill is longer then 10 pages(unreadable long lengths), it’s full of corruption. Peddled as helpful, but buried in its thousands of pages are multitudes of amendments that harm way more than they help.

i feel like you read a fake fact sheet about it. like instead of reading it, you read about it, from some writer who hates it. maybe im wrong.

also all bills are full of corruption and all that. why does this one have to be different?

Why are you not answering my questions: you read it in full? What’s so great about it?

it corrects some of those oil subsidies, and by giving renewable energy a leg up to catch up, i think creates a more competitive market.

no one is banning meat.