So here are the arguments.
Gitmo should not be closed because way over there in Cuba, it’s much safer.
Gitmo should not be closed because everyone hates the terrorists so much that bringing them on american soil will cause emotions to boil over.
Gitmo should not be closed because we have nowhere else to put them.
Gitmo should not be closed because it becomes a target once on american soil…
which arguemtns are you guys representing here?
I’ll admit that sarcasm does not always seem pleasant painful, but it’s still a powerful tool.
To say that the “Terrorists” would attack a u.s prison in order to “get at america” is just foolish.
Terrorists are about striking terror into a nation, not hurting it.
When the terrorists attacked the twin towers, they were not hurting america, they were not dmaging americas economy; they were making america fearful and angry.
what would the terrorists have togain from attacking gitmo? would they liberate a couple hundred beated down and tortured terrorists? would the u.s go bankrupt because of that?
how would that remove the u.s army from their home countries?
It’s not the terrorists who even do teh terrorizing, it’s the american media that does the terrorizing.
why would the media play it’s fiddle to the terrorists drum by scaring the living shit out of everyone, which is supposedly the terrorists entire goal? are the terrorists and the media working togther or something?
What could terrorists possibly have to gain by attacking gitmo? wouldn’t that make americans even angrier?
should we treat terrorists poorly because the terrorists treat us poorly?
Sorry for being strong headed in this thread but i feel this nonsense needs some sensitizing.