Close Gitmo? Now what....? … detainees/

Be careful what you wish for, it might be granted and in your own back yard. And it couldn’t happen in (to) a better state than Colorado–where the liberal east and west coasts meet. Now who’s gonna step up and take one for the appeasers?

Afraid of the ‘terrorists’ living in prison?

Becomes a magnet for other terrorists for one…

Yea, the terrorists would pretty much destroy america by attacking a prison full of beaten down terrorists.

That would really win the war…

If the terrorists have so much attacking power why don’t they attack gitmo way over in cuba?

are you saying it’s harder to attack Cuba than the U.S?

what are you saying painful?

that we cannot close gitmo because nobody wants to put the terroristst up?

Jeeez. Sarcasm does not become you.

Well actually it probably is. The less freedom and the more ruthless the government, the harder to maneuver. But the real issue is that nobody would care if they attacked Cuba.

I dunno. You tell me? You volunteer to put em in your neighborhood?

So is the closing of Gitmo a human rights issue? What about the human rights of those people who lost their lives as a result of the attacks on the Twin Towers? Or the the ones on those flights that were hijacked due to some twisted ideology? Not to mention the people who were friends and family of those innocents that died. Plus, there’s the people who were kidnapped and beheaded with a knife while the heinous act was being video recorded. I didn’t here of any denouncement from the people of the Muslim faith about those incidents. I’ve seen some of those videos and there was nothing humane about it at all.

So, the argument is why doesn’t the United States be more humane? How about asking those Islamic terrorists to start thinking in those terms? It’s that small group who are putting the Islamic faith in a bad light. The biggest mistake I see is the US was too lax in how allowed foreigners to infiltrate to perpetrate those crimes in the first place. The people kept in Gitmo are considered to be enemies of the United States and should be kept on neutral soil because of their involvement of that terrorist movement. They don’t care about rules of engagement and will use anything to advance their agenda and the US should do what is necessary to protect it’s sovereignty.

Funny how when the shit hits the fan, the republicans (the fearless patriots) are the first to throw out the principles that make America great.

If I was asked even at my age to help protect what is held dear concerning the US…republican, democrat or whatever political affiliation, I would do it. For what this country stands for and for every individual of this nation regardless of how they feel of it’s policies.

Just so you know xzc, you brought up political bias…I didn’t.

Just so you know, it’s the republicans that have a problem with closing down gitmo, and stopping torture.

So, you don’t think any democrats feel as I do? Or for that matter, any other political association? Are you saying there are no democrats who are patriots? If you think that, then I’m not the one who is being fooled here. Just because you may have confederates here on ILP who might think like you do, doesn’t form a general consensus for the United States.

Maybe you should read over what I wrote.

So here are the arguments.

Gitmo should not be closed because way over there in Cuba, it’s much safer.

Gitmo should not be closed because everyone hates the terrorists so much that bringing them on american soil will cause emotions to boil over.

Gitmo should not be closed because we have nowhere else to put them.

Gitmo should not be closed because it becomes a target once on american soil…

which arguemtns are you guys representing here?

I’ll admit that sarcasm does not always seem pleasant painful, but it’s still a powerful tool.

To say that the “Terrorists” would attack a u.s prison in order to “get at america” is just foolish.

Terrorists are about striking terror into a nation, not hurting it.

When the terrorists attacked the twin towers, they were not hurting america, they were not dmaging americas economy; they were making america fearful and angry.

what would the terrorists have togain from attacking gitmo? would they liberate a couple hundred beated down and tortured terrorists? would the u.s go bankrupt because of that?

how would that remove the u.s army from their home countries?

It’s not the terrorists who even do teh terrorizing, it’s the american media that does the terrorizing.

why would the media play it’s fiddle to the terrorists drum by scaring the living shit out of everyone, which is supposedly the terrorists entire goal? are the terrorists and the media working togther or something?

What could terrorists possibly have to gain by attacking gitmo? wouldn’t that make americans even angrier?

should we treat terrorists poorly because the terrorists treat us poorly?

Sorry for being strong headed in this thread but i feel this nonsense needs some sensitizing.

I suppose this thread is better than teh early nonsensical arguments i heard for not closing gitmo.

When it was first being talked about people were objecting saying “oh and we will just let the terrorists go free and go home?”

When gitmo releases reports of enemy combattants that after have been relesed, return to active duty, they lie.

they mnight say 50 captives returned to duty after being released, when 40 of these 50 people were civillians from other countries arrested for speaking out against the war, not terrorists.

If you think there’s only terrorists in gitmo, think again.

“Terrorists are about striking terror into a nation, not hurting it.”

that might be the single dumbest thing i’ve ever read

oh is it? and what is the goal of terrorists?

not to incite terror?

the theory is that striking fear into a nation hurts it, but not when the media just uses that as food to drive support for a war.

wake up.

you might be the single most oblivious poster on this site bike seat. … de_attacks … n_bombings

oh but those mean nothing, they don’t want to hurt people

they do these attacks to strike fear into the population, they don;t care about causing damage or killing people, for a terrorist it’s a means to an end.

The terrorists do not attack us with bombs to destroy or to hurt our nation or economy, they do it to “terrorize” us. they try to terrorize us to make us afraid of their country, to possibly force us out of their country. terrorists have reasons outside of hatred.

do you think people who take hostages want to kill people? they might want to, but that’s not their goal.

wake up and smell the coffe, you don’t even understand the motives of these terrorists.

right sure whatever

but clearly you know their motives, you’re way smarter than me

clearly i say things other than “this is stupid, here are some links to terrorist attacks, talk to the hand

this is en emotionally charged topic for many people…

Why did the government say the terrorists attacked?

Is it about the Qu’ran?

Is it about hatred?

Is it a desire to kill innocent u.s citizens?


Israel , though you probably have no sweet clue, is very anti muslim.

Bin Laden himself has said that it is a retaliation in kind to the terrorism israel commits against palestine which is supported by the U.S.

You don;t even know the supposed story here, you have no sweet clue what the war in the middle east is about.

Start giving me reasons instead of the old condescending emotional redirect.

This the best argument and reason of all.