"Coin Flip Fun in C" gives "An error occurred: Title seems unclear, most of the words contain the same letters over and over?"

Wait lol my digit separation algorythm makes no sense.

By the way, if you ad a 4th array, you can get 1,000,000,000 and probably be faster than the javascript 10,000,000.

Guess again.

A Millisecond is 1/1,000 of a second, or 0.001 seconds.

A Microsecond is 1/1,000,000 of a second, or 0.000001 seconds

A Nano second is 1/1,000,000,000 of a second, or 0.000000001 seconds.

Let me guess, you’ve never used an oscilloscope.

No sir you are correct I never have.

How about this: you store the arraynumber as a variable with no decimals, then subtract the arraynumber from that number, and then multiply by 10

You should check it out, it is absolutely amazing how it can detect a microsecond glitch in a wave pattern.

I would truly love that and it has now gone near the top of my whenIhavethemoney priorities

I think I have the skeleton of my program.

I’m kind of scared to sit down now to type it.

If you have about $100 you can get a pretty decent little handheld that is very impressive. I have several scopes, one is quite nice at $800, but I just got this one for quick jobs that don’t have much room, like under the dash of a car. I recommend it, especially for a beginner that has never used a scope.


What kind of things am I measuring with it?

Voltage over time. It graphs voltage on the Y axis and time on the x axis. You can find all kinds of problems with a scope, like a crank sensor, cam sensor, can bus, and on and on.

Aghhhhh I’m salivating all of that is shit I absolutely need

To be frank though there are probably at least 5k of expenses old Princess could use before I get down to that.

She probably hates me right now.

But she’s been doing masterfully and will hold awhile.

Probably when I do decide to start spending, the scope would be one of the first things. That way every $ spent will be going much farther.

Anyway, beginner’s handheld bookmarked

A scope is definitely a nice to have item for most, but an absolute necessity for a car mechanic. With everything being computerized on modern vehicles it is a must have.

Me personally I would never buy a vehicle manufactured after about 2008.

Bunch of fucking toys.

One of the first things I did with Princess was find the ABS fuse and yank it out hahahaha.

“I can drive the car myself thank you very much you fucking computer.”

Put it back in! ABS could save her life. If the fuse is removed the system is not operational. That could cost her her life.