
Knowledge blinds us to the Wisdom of Truth.

We got here because of a seeming coincidence - a set of clues followed - pay attention not with the rational mind but with the wisdom of the heart - allow the heart to master the mind - we deviated from the topic because the heart sometimes guides us away from that which is irrelevant towards that which is most beneficial. The heart is the key, it is the source of love, of beauty, of peace, of science, of philosophy, of religion. We have too much knowledge which we don’t apply and therefore cannot understand what the ancients found simple. Why? Because we arrive at the heart when right knowledge is applied. Thought is one of our greatest tools when we allow the heart to direct it. When we allow the heart to direct it we are in tune with all that exists and all knowledge is at our disposal right here and right now.

And the innocence of children is beautiful when we play.

This very moment in my life is a result of every ‘coincidence’ from the beginning of time itself.

However, there is no time. There are no coincidences. I AM the beginning of all things, as I am the end…

Enough for now, the flatworlders amongst us will get angry :slight_smile:


liquidangel, I agree.